Yves Raimond wrote:

Hopefully we can make one coherent Linked Data Space via xslt at:


As per earlier post, all the xslt components of our sponger cartridges are

Let's tweak rather that reinvent the wheel, everyone is ultimately time
challenged :-)

Wow! That is great!! Perhaps you should contact Last.FM to ask them to
link to these stylesheets as GRDDL transformations (this is also valid
for the other services RDFised by the stylesheets you mentioned
Yes, they all use a consistent pattern re. proxy/wrapper linked data URIs.

Re. last.fm folks, if me combine efforts and produce meshes with good domain fidelity, we can simply use the "owl:shameAs" pattern to get them on board :-)

However, I think these three RDFisers are complementary.
For example,
seems to RDFise the microformatted event, whereas Keith's description
is much richer and especially holds links to other services.
No, its just little bugs in the xslt. This cartridge is supposed to make a data space comprised of many things:

Artist Descriptions, Events, Genre's etc..

Our problem is that we've built 30+ cartridges and counting, and this leads to subtle drops in fidelity when you look at some of the graphs with domain specificity. Hence my callout for everyone to put heads together since we have all the pieces, but are missing the critical essence: working together rather than past one another en route to the same destination :-)

Same thing for profile pages, which give less information and less
links than Keith's service (dealing with events) the corresponding
dbtune service (dealing with foaf:knows and last scrobbles).

Yes, but note, how our works, you go to the page via <http://ode.openlinksw.com> and you simply view Page Description. We start by describing the document which unveils what the document is about.

I noticed that HTML5 [1] has quite an understanding (to my pleasant surprise) of this aspect of matters that has generally been overlooked in the RDF realm.


1. http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/microdata.html#microdata



Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
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