Samur Araujo wrote:
Dear Sherman, note that no matter what query tool or browser you are using, it is necessary to tune the underline database to achieve your performance requirements. Enabling all Explorator's repositories mean that you want to query several databases and sparql enpoint at the same time. When you do so, Explorator queries a federation of endpoints, groups all results and retrieves an unique set of triples. Of course, you should keep in mind that we have not tune our sesame or virtuoso instances to achieve the best performance, also we have not created FTS for sesame or virtuoso yet. Again, such performance problem will be encountered no matter what system you use.

About sesame, we are using it just as a proof of concept, however you can extend Explorator adapters to connect to others rdf repositories. At the moment, Explorator is able to connect to whatever sparql endpoint (we have tested it for Virtuoso and Sesame endpoints.) you want. Keep in mind that we can not guarantee performance for external endpoints. Most of them retrieve timeout when you do a complex query that takes longer that a few milleseconds.

Are you exploiting the "Retry" feature of Virtuoso's Anytime Query function?

Look at: (note the options at the bottom of the page which are part of our sparql protocol extensions).

You have to think in terms of location aware cost-optimization if you want to venture into the federated query realm (SPARQL or SQL). We've done this work long time ago re. SQL (the Virtual DBMS aspect of Virtuoso), and similar work will be delivered re. SPARQL in due course (the SPARQL-BI extentions and the Anytime Query functionality are critical infrastructure components for this endeavor).



Samur Araujo

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Samur Araujo < <>> wrote:

    Dear Sherman, Notes that doesn

    On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Sherman Monroe
    < <>> wrote:


        I see some interesting concepts worth exploring here, e.g.
        using windows (with paging inside the window). But as I refine
        my query, there isn't any apparent context that orients me in
        the data. E.g. how does one box/set relate to the others.

        I notice you're using Sesame, do you think it can scale? I
        tried selecting several repositories at once, but the system
        seems to hang awhile (couple of minutes)  before returning


        On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:26 AM, Daniel Schwabe
        < <>> wrote:

            Kingsley Idehen wrote:

                Daniel Schwabe wrote:

                    as another alternative, I urge you to take a look
                    at Explorator [1] (there is a short movie
                    explaining the basic idea, you can also play with
                    the live interface), which can do all of what you
                    said, and more.
                    It provides a more general exploration paradigm,
                    of which the example you give below is only one of
                    the possibilities...



                When you speak to the <>
                instance, do you use SPARQL Protocol or the Faceted
                Browsing REST API or either depending on task ?

                I suspect SPARQL protocol,  but please confirm.

            We use the SPARQL protocol, because the code is geared to
            deal with any SPARQL endpoint. The only thing we have
            customize, precisely because of lack of standardization,
            is the FTS function. There is special code to detect when
            the server is Virtuoso, to use bif:contains. Other than
            that, is uses standard constructs.
            If I understand it correctly, the Faceted Browsing REST
            API would not allow us to issue the kinds of queries we
            need; as I mentioned in earlier messages, Explorator is
            much more than pure faceted browsing.
            Did you have anything specific in mind in this regard?



        I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy, even
        as your soul prospers
        (3 John 1:2)



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