anticipating Samur's answer,
Kingsley Idehen wrote:

Are you exploiting the "Retry" feature of Virtuoso's Anytime Query function?

Look at: (note the options at the bottom of the page which are part of our sparql protocol extensions).
are you referring to the timeout feature?

You have to think in terms of location aware cost-optimization if you want to venture into the federated query realm (SPARQL or SQL). We've done this work long time ago re. SQL (the Virtual DBMS aspect of Virtuoso), and similar work will be delivered re. SPARQL in due course (the SPARQL-BI extentions and the Anytime Query functionality are critical infrastructure components for this endeavor).
We currently use ActiveRDF to manage federation, and it is not customized to specific stores. As I've stated before, at the moment we are trying to keep Explorator as general as possible, so we are avoiding building server-specific versions (although we already did some for FTS...). In general, if we think that Explorator can be used to explore the LoD cloud (with many different enpoints and servers), we cannot assume vendor-specific extensions.


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