Evan Goer wrote:

On Sep 27, 2009, at 2:51 PM, Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:

Hi Juan,

Juan Sequeda wrote:

*One final question. Yahoo crawls all vocabularies while Google only crawls
their vocabulary, right?
To my knowledge, both crawl only a predefined list of vocabs. Fortunately, Yahoo crawls standard vocabs, Google invented their own

That's correct, we understand a predefined list of vocabs. We try to be "omnivorous" -- we're willing to consider any format that is A) popular on the web or B) has reached some threshold of "doneness". We even support ad-hoc formats like Facebook Share for video.

Austin is the live music capital of the world, so
imagine the amount of music and event data on websites. If I use the music ontology to mark up the data, will Yahoo crawl this and potentially use it
in their search results?
You have to ask Yahoo :-)

It would be great to have a music ontology, as we have Yahoo! Music and Yahoo! Upcoming (an event website -- many of which are concerts). Make a real, solid music ontology, and we will strongly consider supporting it.

There has been a solid Music Ontology available for a few years [1]  :-)

What is the best vocabulary for events (venue,
time, description, price)?

For events, I don't know. There is an austrian initiative, but it is still pretty much alpha.

I believe the Event Ontology covers most of this (bar GoodRelations meshing, which a recipe can be drawn up for etc.) [2].

As for the price: GoodRelations. Because, again an important distinction: It is not the event that has a price - it is a ticket (permission) to attend the event that has a price ;-)

We support a basic event template.[2] Event + pricing would almost certainly be what Martin suggests -- some combo of our existing Event template + GoodRelations for the ticket product inside. But we have some homework to do on that one. :)
As per earlier comment, a recipe will be knocked up for that as per usual re. growing GoodRelations recipes collection [3] .


1. http://musicontology.com/
2. http://motools.sourceforge.net/event/event.html
3. http://www.ebusiness-unibw.org/wiki/GoodRelations#CookBook:_GoodRelations_Recipes_and_Examples



[1] http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/09/supporting-facebook-share-and-rdfa-for.html
[2] http://developer.search.yahoo.com/help/objects/event



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