On Friday 20. November 2009 09:37:42 François Scharffe wrote:
> > Eventually, this will evolve into a reference site with best practices
> > for  each problem newcomers present, and provide a launchpad for
> > ventures beyond what's there with minimal cost.
> Sounds like www.ontologydesignpatterns.org

Ah, great! I wasn't aware of that site. However, it doesn't quite seem to 
be what I want, it seems like they are more concerned with general 
patterns, not with making suggestions about specific ontologies to use.

For example, SIOC has a Role class, that could be used for AgentRole, 
Location should probably use the geonames:Feature class, etc. 

This Wiki doesn't make it clear to me if it is the purpose to address such 


Kjetil Kjernsmo

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