On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Michael Nelson <m...@cs.odu.edu> wrote:
>> I disagree.  I would say that agent-driven negotiation is by far the
>> most common form of conneg in use today.  Only it's not done through
>> standardized means such as the Alternates header, but instead via
>> language and format specific links embedded in HTML, e.g. "Click here
>> for the PDF version", or a "Language/country-selector dropdown" in the
>> page header, or even via Javascript based selection.
> While the exact line between them might be hard to draw, I'd argue those
> aren't HTTP-level events, but instead are HTML-level events.  In other
> words, I would call those examples "navigation".  In addition, navigation
> works well for things that can be expressed in HTML wrappers (e.g., "click
> here for the PDF version"), but not really for embed/img tags where you want
> to choose between, say, .png & .gif.

I don't draw much of a distinction there, at least for the purposes of
discussions like this; they are all URLs in an HTTP response message.

>> Server driven conneg, in comparison, is effectively unused.  Ditto for
>> transparent negotiation.
> I think that is an unfair characterization.  I won't guess as to how often
> it is done, but it is done.  It is just not perceived by the user.

I didn't mean to imply it wasn't done.  As Richard (and Larry, in his
referenced message) point out, User-Agent conneg is pretty common.  I
was just trying to point out that it's not used nearly as often as
client selection.

> Almost every browser sends out various "Accept" request headers, and it is
> not uncommon to have "Vary" and "TCN: Choice" response headers (check
> responses from w3c.org, for example).  When done with the 200 response +
> "Content-Location" header, the URI that the browser displays does not
> change.

I used to use w3.org as an example too, but I've learned since that
it's the exception, not the rule, for Web site design.

>>> So while I think you are describing agent-driven CN (or something very
>>> similar), I also think it would be desirable to go ahead and get the full
>>> monty and define the appropriate Accept header and allow server-driven &
>>> transparent CN.  Agent-driven CN is still available for clients that wish
>>> to
>>> do so.
>> I just don't understand the desire for server driven conneg when agent
>> driven is the clear winner and has so many advantages;
> we'll have to agree to disagree on that; I think they are different
> modalities.

Fair enough.  I'm just offering you my advice based on my extensive
experience in this space.  You're free not to believe me, of course

As long as you're also supporting agent driven conneg, I'm happy.

>> - not needing to use the inconsistently-implemented Vary header, so
>> there's no risk of cache pollution. see
>> http://www.mnot.net/blog/2007/06/20/proxy_caching#comment-2989
>> - more visible to search engines
>> - simpler for developers, as it's just links returned by the server
>> like the rest of their app. no need for new server side modules either
> I would suggest these are among the reasons we champion the 302 response +
> "Location" header approach (as opposed to "200/Content-Location") -- it
> makes the negotation more transparent

Ah, I see.  Yes, I agree that's a good design choice.

>> You might also be interested to read this, where one of the RFC 2616
>> editors apologizes for supporting server driven conneg;
>> http://www.alvestrand.no/pipermail/ietf-types/2006-April/001707.html
>> Note that he refers to HTTP conneg being broken, but is actually only
>> talking about server driven conneg.
> I would counter with that fact that CN features prominently in:
> http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/pub/LinkedDataTutorial/
> http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/
> Given the role CN plays in these recent documents, it would seem CN has some
> measure of acceptance in the LOD community.

Content negotiation is a valuable tool, so I'm glad there's interest,
but IMO, both of those documents misrepresent it by only describing
the server-driven form.


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