You say "ODBC is about making the backend DBMS engines interchangeable". Does it mean there is a way to write an arbitrary SQL query once and it is guaranteed to work when I change the database from Oracle to PostgreSQL and vice versa (that is what web2py provides)? If so, would you provide an example of how you would do pagination which is highly dialect dependent? I guess I am missing this.

What is the license of Virtuoso?

We do not provide nor created an ODBC driver. We use pyODBC for those back-ends that require ODBC. For those RDBS that do not, I guess, you can still use pyODBC but currently it would require some minor modification to our source code.

Bare in mind that the web2py user, whether he/she wishes to develop a generic web app or expose existing data using Linked Data, the user never writes any SQL. Not even our RDF plugin contains any SQL code.

Our approach is similar to SQLAlchemy, SQLObject, Django ORM and Ruby Active Record. It is an approach typical of interpreted languages which provide introspection capabilities. It has some similarities with Java Hibernate.

Anyway. The DAL is one component of web2py. Other components include web server, libraries to handle cookies, create session, cache web based and database queries, generate web forms from database models, validate all input fields, report errors on validation, internationalization, web based IDE, web based testing and debugging, automatic generation of a web based interface to any database, role based access control system, a template language to render data in HTML/XML and other protocols, ability to serialize data in XMl, CSV, JSON, RSS, RTF and generate services in XMLRPC, JSONRPC for Google Web Toolkit, and AMFRPC for Flash/Flex.

We tried hard to build this thing so that (at least in the default configuration) it does not have any third party dependence, requires no installation (just unzip and click) and no configuration, to be super easy to setup. Requiring ODBC or any other third party product would not simplify our work. It would increase complexity, setup costs, and reduce portability. I would agree that ODBC should be an option for all database that provide the driver. We are in the process of re-factoring our source for the purpose of making it easier to plugin more non-relational databases. This will be completed in one month or so. Once done it will be straightforward to use the ODBC drivers for those RDBMS database back-ends that currently do not use it, if you wish to do so.

You can find more DAL example here: although the best reference is the web2py book


On Dec 24, 2009, at 11:19 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
I think we are talking apples and oranges.

According to Microsoft, who proposed ODBC,

"The driver passes SQL statements to SQL Server and returns the
results of the statements to the application."
No, before an ODBC app talks to an ODBC Driver, it should use ODBC
metadata calls to understand the capabilities of the underlying driver.
That's how ODBC applications are supposed to be written.

ODBC is not a simple CLI (as per what you get from DBMS vendors) for
executing SQL statements, far from it.

The purpose of the web2py DAL is that of generating the SQL statements
(in the case of RDBS) and it does not care whether the connection is
established via ODBC or not.
Its an abstraction that sits atop data access APIs.

Putting my question differently, what happens when I use ODBC against a DBMS that isn't DB2 or MS SQL Server re. this interface? Basically, can
I substitute either via the ODBC hook ?

We do not use ODBC on Oracle, for example, but we use cx_Oracle
instead because, according to this is a quote from the Oracle web page:

"cx_Oracle serves as the core and lowest-level API for bridging a
Python environment to an Oracle database. cx_Oracle is to Python what
an Oracle JDBC driver is to Java, enabling an application to execute
raw SQL queries and manipulate database cursors with a fine level of
Yes, what do you expect Oracle to say? Something like: we have an
interface that lacks the deductive capabilities of the ODBC interface
that ultimately makes DBMS swapping nice and easy?

We could use pyODBC on Oracle as we do with with DB2 but the
installation process would be more cumbersome.
Depends on which ODBC drivers you use. In fact, you can install our
Drives using an installer on any platform we support (and thats a vast
array of platforms).

Post installation we even give you basic connection exercisers or a
platform port of the ODBC Driver Manager that verifies DSNs post creation.

ODBC does a lot but in the end it just gives a connection and a cursor
object. It does not give us complete database abstraction which is
what the web2py DAL does.
Of course it gives you complete DBMS abstraction. What you really mean
is this: the interface you are using doesn't really exploit ODBC to the
max. I believe this ODBC layer comes from someone else, right?

One of the most important issue from our prospective is that the
web2py DAL works with Non Relational Databases too. Currently only
Google Big Table on the Google App Engine but we are working on
MongoDB and CouchDB support.  ODBC does not work with non-relational
Virtuoso provides an ODBC interface that actually lets you work with
XML, RDF, Web Services and other data representations and model
combinations.  Jena, Redland, and Sesame abstractions all work with
Virtuoso via its JDBC or ODBC drivers. Again, ODBC capabilities are very
dependent on who's ODBC implementation (app or driver) you are working

In our world you can join a relation table and Web Addressable Resource via SPARQL pattern in Procedure Views (Table Valued Functions in Oracle
parlance) executed inside the Virtuoso SQL (i.e., SPASQL [1]).
Naturally, you can also to the opposite i.e., surface SQL functionality
in SPARQL[2] etc..

Running on the Google App Engine cloud has some limitations. We can
only upload pure Python or pure Java programs, no C/C++ modules or
pre-compiled modules. We can only use the Google API or something that
they call GQL. There is no SQL on GAE because it is not a relational
database. Hence, ODBC is not option. Building our system on ODBC
simply would not cut it. Yet the Google App Engine is the single best
thing that happened to the world of web development in some time
(practically free, unlimited scalability, zero maintenance, no messing
up with server or database administration). We use ODBC when we can
but we are interested in pushing our technology in places where ODBC
is not an option.

Least but not last I want to make the case that everybody is doing web
apps with database connections these days. This is now off-the-shelf
technology and people should not pay for it. Most ODBC drivers are
commercial products or require a commercial license for enterprise
use. Our Database Abstraction Layer is released under the GPL2
license, only requires third party GPL or BSD drivers, and has been
tested by more than 1500 registered users and 50 developers.

I am not questioning your vision. And when it comes to data access, I
think REST based Open Data Access (Linked Data) is something I advocate
strongly,  as a superior solution to ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, or
XMLA when dealing disparately shaped data sources.

My fundamental point to you is this: ODBC is a DBMS independent API, so
you shouldn't speak in DBMS specific terms re. ODBC. You have Native
CLIs from DBMS vendors that occupy the Database Specific Data Access API
box :-)

ODBC is about making the backend DBMS engines interchangeable, one size
doesn't fit all re. ODBC Drivers  or ODBC compliant applications. I
should be able to simply slot in our Virtuoso ODBC Driver, or our ODBC
Drivers for all the other DBMS engines we support without issue via your
ODBC hook.  Same should apply to any other ODBC Driver vendor.

To conclude; when I have a moment I'll have your ODBC layer tested
against our ODBC Drivers, if there are issues, we'll make a simply
report highlight ODBC APIs issues etc. (for you or whoever is behind the
ODBC layer. Worst case we can fix it ourselves as we already done many
other interfaces).





On Dec 24, 2009, at 9:30 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
Hi Kingsley,

Internally we use the Python ODBC driver for the connection to DB2 and
But how have you come to conclude that ODBC only works with DB2 and
MSSQL? What about ODBC Drivers that have been developed to work
consistently across:

Virtuoso, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Informix, Ingres, Sybase, Progress, MySQL, Firebird, other ODBC Drivers, JDBC Drivers etc? Thus, you could
have the option ODBC as opposed to: ODBC for DB2 and MS SQL Sever.

What about the fact that you have ODBC Drivers for Virtuoso that enable
to make one ODBC connection to all the DBMS engines above, and treat
their tables as though they were part of one DBMS i.e., Virtual DBMS
based Relational Data Virtualization (or Federation).

We use more specific drivers for the other databases, as recommended
by the official documentation.
What official documentation? URL please.
Anyway, from the Python programming point of view they all expose the
same Python API.

The fact is ODBC only unifies the data access API and that is a small
part of we needed since different database still have different
Our DAL completely abstracts the database and writes the SQL in the
specific dialect of specific backend.
Are you aware of the fact that via ODBC metadata calls you can
deductively discern the capabilities and SQL dialiects supported by an DBMS. This is all about the ODBC Drivers you are working with, not the
ODBC spec itself (which is vast and very sophisticated).

For example a limit query in SQLite is done with "SELECT ... FIRST N" The same query in MSSQL is done with "SELECT .... TOP N", in Oracle it requires two nested selects "SELECT ... FROM (SELECT w_tmp.*, ROWNUM w_row FROM (SELECT ...) w_tmp WHERE ROWNUM<=N)...;". In the case of
the Google App Engine there is not even SQL so our DAL translates
directly into Google API calls.
Again, you should focus on the functionality you want, and then see if the underling ODBC Driver can handle what you want, if it can't you can
drop back to your work arounds.

The same query in the web2py DAL reads like, for example:

  db=DAL('postgresql://username:passw...@localhost', pool_size=100)
  rows = db('Ken').select(limitby = (0,10))

The first line choose the most appropriate connection driver (which
may be ODBC). The second line tried to define a table "person". If it
does not exist, it is CREATEd. If it exists and has a different
stricture, it is ALTERed. The third line inserts a second. The forth
line is performs the limit query.

As you can see we do not use raw SQL anywhere in our system, although
our system may use SQL to talk to the database. Using raw SQL also
presents the disadvantage that, if one is not very careful in escaping variables, one may introduce SQL Injections vulnerabilities. We do not
have to worry about that with the DAL.
I do understand the abstraction.
I worked with a product called DAL [1] for Mac OS Classic in the early 1990's (and others pre ODBC, which arrived in 1992 as Windows port of
what was then the SAG CLI) :-)

The RDF tagging is done at the DAL level: = { .... }

Anyway, it is possible there is some feature of ODBC that we have
overlooked and we may be able to take  advantage of.

You have ODBC itself. Then you have Virtuoso VDBMS (think scalable high
performance variant of Microsoft Access JET Engine which major



On Dec 24, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am a new member of this list and first of all I wish everybody

I also take the occasion to introduce the RDF plugin for web2py.

web2py is an Open Source web framework for rapid application
development written in Python and programmable in Python. web2py runs
almost everywhere and includes everything you need for web
in one package including a ssl-enabled web server, a transaction-safe
relational database, a web-based IDE, a web-based database
administration tool, and a Database Abstraction Layer that writes SQL for you and works transparently on SQLite, MySQL, Postgresql, Oracle,
MSSQL, FireBird, DB2, Informix, Ingres, and on Google App Engine.

Web2py requires no installation: just download, unzip and click to
start it.
You can see an online demo here:

The RDF plugin allows to label (tag) database fields and relations
with ontologies and web2py automatically exposes the data in the
database as Linked Data via a RESTful web service. Works with all
database back-ends listed above.

Any comment and feedback will be appreciated.
Any reason why you don't use ODBC for your data access? Your
above imply you implemented data access APIs on a DBMS by DBMS basis.
ODBC is not only superior to all Native DBMS APIs, it is generic
shrinking you development and maintenance costs.



Massimo Di Pierro
Associate Professor
School of Computing and Digital Media
DePaul University
243 S Wabash Ave
Chicago IL 60604
+1-312-375-6536 (phone)
+1-312-375-6116 (fax)



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