On 29/12/2009 07:56, "Daniel O'Connor" <daniel.ocon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Tom Morris <tfmor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But is the description of the book (ie Freebase topic) really the same
>> thing as the book?
>> Assuming it was, wouldn't you not only have to make the sameAs
>> assertions and publish them someplace, but also get them loaded into
>> sameas.org <http://sameas.org> ?
Sounds great - I would like that :-)
Just send me a file (URI pairs are easiest for me), or a URL of such a file.

However, I prefer to live in the Linked Data world, so have avoided
non-resolvable URIs such as urn:isbn:9780670063260 in sameas.org (so far).
In practice we could do it, or even provide a SW sameas, probably on another
domain, but I'd like to feel it was extra useful before doing it.
Any comments?
>> Tom
>> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:35 AM, Shawn Simister <narphor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Are you just looking for a script that can make the 'same as' assertions
>>> like this?
>>> http://rdfbooks.freebaseapps.com/ns/soft.isbn.9780670063260.best
> Ah hah!
> Now how to (nicely) get that indexed...

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