Ian Davis wrote:
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 8:04 PM, Dan Brickley <dan...@danbri.org> wrote:
"Bills" the major operative word in a world where the "Bill Payer" and
"Database Maintainer" is a footnote (at best) re. perception of what
constitutes the DBpedia Project.

If dbpedia.org linked to the sparql endpoints of mirrors then that
would be a way of sharing the burden.



When you use the term: SPARQL Mirror (note: Leigh's comments yesterday re. not orienting towards this), you open up a different set of issues. I don't want to revisit SPARQL and SPARQL extensions debate etc.. Esp. as Virtuoso's SPARQL extensions are integral part of what makes the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint viable, amongst other things.

The burden issue is basically veering away from the key points, which are:

1. Use the DBpedia instance properly
2. When the instance enforces restrictions, understand that this is a Virtuoso *feature* not a bug or server shortcoming.

Beyond the dbpedia.org instance, there are other locations for:

1. Data Sets
2. SPARQL endpoints (like yours and a few others, where functionality mirroring isn't an expectation).

Descriptor Resource vhandling ia mirrors, BitTorrents, Reverse Proxies, Cache directives, and some 303 heuristics etc.. Are the real issues of interest.

Note: I can send wild SPARQL CONSTRUCTs, DESCRIBES, and HTTP GETs for Resource Descriptors to a zillion mirrors (maybe next year's April Fool's joke re. beauty of Linked Data crawling) and it will only make broaden the scope of my dysfunctional behavior. The behavior itself has to be handled (one or a zillion mirrors).

Anyway, we will publish our guide for working with DBpedia very soon. I believe this will add immense clarity to this matter.



Kingsley Idehen President & CEO OpenLink Software Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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