On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:09 AM, Kingsley Idehen
<kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
> Ian Davis wrote:
>> Kingsley,
>> You should address your question directly to the project organisers,
>> we're a technology provider and host some of the data but it is not up
>> to us when or where the dumps get shared. My understanding is that
>> because this is officially sanctioned data they want to ensure that
>> the provenance is built into the datasets properly. My hope and wish
>> is that the commitment to making dumps available will be built into
>> the guidelines the UK Government are working on. But those won't be
>> issued during this month because of the election.
> Okay, but the need for dumps is working its way into the fundamental
> guidelines for Linked Open Data.
> As you can imagine (and I have raised these concerns on the UK Govt mailing
> list a few times), this project is high profile and closely associated with
> Linked Open Data; thus, unclarity about these RDF dumps is confusing to say
> the very least.
> Anyway, I am set for now, will wait and see re. what happens post election
> etc..

I should also add that some datasets do not have dumps, e.g. the
reference time and dates



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