> There's also Jersey [1]  ...

+1 to Jersey - had overall very good experience with it. If you want to have
a quick look (not saying it's beautiful/exciting, but might helps to
kick-start things) see [1] for my hacking with it.


[1] http://bitbucket.org/mhausenblas/sparestfulql/

Dr. Michael Hausenblas
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

> From: Dave Reynolds <dave.e.reyno...@googlemail.com>
> Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 11:08:03 +0100
> To: Angelo Veltens <angelo.velt...@online.de>
> Cc: Linked Data community <public-lod@w3.org>
> Subject: Re: Java Framework for Content Negotiation
> Resent-From: Linked Data community <public-lod@w3.org>
> Resent-Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 10:08:45 +0000
> On 20/05/2010 11:03, Story Henry wrote:
>> There is the RESTlet framework http://www.restlet.org/
> There's also Jersey [1] and, for a minimalist solution to just the
> content matching piece see Mimeparse [2].
> Dave
> [1] https://jersey.dev.java.net/
> [2] http://code.google.com/p/mimeparse/
>> On 20 May 2010, at 10:49, Angelo Veltens wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am just looking for a framework to do content negotiation in java.
>>> Currently I am checking the HttpServletRequest myself quick&dirty. Perhaps
>>> someone can recommend a framework/library that has solved this already.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Angelo

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