
On 20.05.2010 19:27, Richard Cyganiak wrote:

On 20 May 2010, at 13:38, Angelo Veltens wrote:
I might have a non-information resource http://example.org/resource/foo

I could place a REST-Webservice there and do content negotiation with @GET / @Produces Annotations. But this seems not correct to me, because it is a non-information resource and not a html or rdf/xml document. So it should never return html or rdf/xml but do a 303 redirect to an information resource instead, doesn't it?

I second Michael's recommendation to have a look at the Cool URIs for SemWeb document, in particular this section:

Thanks to all for your answers.

What I am going to implement is this: http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/#r303uri

I think, this is the way dbpedia works and it seems a good solution for me. My question is, if there is a java solution / framework for what is shown in the picture in this section.

I imagine something like this:

I can configure URI-patterns for (non-)information resources, e.g.

Non-Information-Resources: http:/example.com/id/{.*}
RDF-Representation: http:/example.com/data/{.*}
HTML-Representation: http:/example.com/page/{.*}

The conneg and 303-redirection stuff should be handled automatically so that i only have to implement what my application serves at these uris.

I have played arround with REST-Webservices as recommended. This is what i do at the moment:

I have a service at http:/example.com/id/person/0815 with methods that are annotated to produce html respectively rdf/xml. But instead of serving the representations immediately I use Response.seeOther to do a 303-redirect to http:/example.com/page/person/0815 respectivly http:/example.com/data/person/0815. This works fine, but perhaps there is a more automated solution, that does conneg as well as 303-redirect.

But also:

If you can build your site with hash URIs rather than 303 redirects, I highly recommend doing so.

Thanks, i have thought about it, but hash-uris don't fit my needs.

Kind Regards,

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