On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 11:04 +0200, Christophe Guéret wrote:
> On 06/01/2010 10:26 AM, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
> > Dave,
> >
> >    
> >> We would like to announce the availability of an ontology for
> >> description of organizational structures including government 
> >> organizations.
> >>      
> > Brilliant! I submitted it now to Sindice [1] and 'registered' the org prefix
> > in prefix.cc [2] - you might want to support it by voting it up ;)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >        Michael
> >
> > [1]
> > http://sindice.com/search?q=domain%3Awww.w3.org+Core+organization+ontology&q
> > t=term
> > [2] http://prefix.cc/org
> >
> >    
> Nice. I've added it to CKAN: http://www.ckan.net/package/org_ontology


Great so see how easy it is to get such a vocabulary registered these
days. Just mention it here and people leap to help you make it more
widely discoverable!


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