On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Giovanni Tummarello
<giovanni.tummare...@deri.org> wrote:
> Hi Ian
> no its not needed see this discussion
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2007Jul/0086.html
> pointing to 203 406 or thers..
> ..but a number of social community mechanisms will activate if you
> bring this up, ranging from russian style "you're being antipatriotic
> criticizing the existing status quo " to "..but its so deployed now"
> and ".. you're distracting the community from other more important
> issues ", none of this will make sense if analized by proper logical
> means of course (e.g. by a proper IT manager in a proper company, paid
> based on actual results).
Yes, but I guess I have to face those to make progress.

> But the core of the matter really is : who cares. My educated guess
> looking at Sindice flowing data is that everyday out of 100 new sites
> on  web of data 99.9 simply use RDFa which doesnt have this issue.

I think it's an orthogonal issue to the one RDFa solves. How should I
use RDFa to respond to requests to http://iandavis.com/id/me which is
a URI that denotes me?

> choose how to publish yourself but here is another one. If you chose
> NOT to use RDFa you will miss out on anything which will enhance the
> user experience based on annotations. As an example see our entry in
> the  semantic web challange [1].

I'm agnostic on formats, just trying to make things simpler for
publishers who want to use hashless URIs in their data.


> Giovanni
> [1] http://www.cs.vu.nl/~pmika/swc/submissions/swc2010_submission_19.pdf
> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Ian Davis <m...@iandavis.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The subject of this email is the title of a blog post I wrote last
>> night questioning whether we actually need to continue with the 303
>> redirect approach for Linked Data. My suggestion is that replacing it
>> with a 200 is in practice harmless and that nothing actually breaks on
>> the web. Please take a moment to read it if you are interested.
>> http://iand.posterous.com/is-303-really-necessary
>> Cheers,
>> Ian

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