On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Giovanni Tummarello
<giovanni.tummare...@deri.org> wrote:
>> I think it's an orthogonal issue to the one RDFa solves. How should I
>> use RDFa to respond to requests to http://iandavis.com/id/me which is
>> a URI that denotes me?
> hashless?
> mm one could be to return HTML + RDFa describing yourself. add a
> triple saying http://iandavis.com/id/me
> containstriplesonlyabouttheresourceandnoneaboutitselfasinformationresource

Yes, that's basically what I'm saying in my blog post.

> its up to clients to really care about the distinction, i personally
> know of no useful clients for the web of data that will visibly
> misbehave if a person is mistaken for a page.. so your you can certify
> to your customer your solution works well with "any" client

Good to know. That's my sense too.

> if one will come up which operates usefully on both people and pages
> and would benefit from making your distinction than those coding that
> client will definitely learn about your
> containstriplesonlyabouttheresourceandnoneaboutitselfasinformationresource
> and support it.
> how about this ? :-)

Sounds good to me :)

> as an alternative the post i pointed you earlier (the one about 203
> 406) did actually contain an answer i believe.  406 is perfect IMO ..
> I'd say a client which will care to make the distinction would learn
> to support it as in my previous example.

I'll look into that.


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