I'd be happy enough to see greater granularity for rdfs:seeAlso. I have a use case where I want to say something like "the <uri> has been minted recently by a source that is not authoritative but that, if widely adopted, could become so. Either way, it's worth noting that he and I are talking about the same thing" - and rdfs:seeAlso doesn't really cover that nuance!

However... a property should not imply any content type AFAIAC. That's the job of the HTTP Headers. If software de-references an rdfs:seeAlso object and only expects RDF then it should have a suitable accept header. if the server can't respond with that content type, there are codes to handle that.


On 09/01/2011 15:21, Vasiliy Faronov wrote:
On Птн, 2011-01-07 at 11:47 -0500, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
Certainly. the tabulator follows rdfs:seeAlso and expects some terse
and so would be crippled by any large file, and PDF would not of
course help it at all.
I take seeAlso as a fairly strong request to see the other thing, like
an HTTP redirect.
Not a generic "this is vaguely related" link at all, and not in
general to point to human-readable stuff.

Maybe it's time to define several specializations of rdfs:seeAlso with
stronger semantics?

For example (in a hypothetical namespace):

- see:authoritative -- "strong" pointer to a defining document,
   equivalent to (or even superseding) follow-your-nose. Could probably
   just reuse wrds:describedby, though it's not a subproperty of
- see:continued -- pointer to more data of the same nature. Would be
   useful for paged data. When you have a blog marked up with RDFa, you
   may want to let the consumer know that any given page is really just
   a part of it. "Strength" depends on the application.
- see:historical -- pointer to data that no longer holds, thus cannot
   be taken at face value, but only in conjunction with some
   time-related terms (like owlTime:Interval). In other words, "don't go
   there unless you are time-enabled".
- see:non_rdf -- pointer to a machine-readable description that is not
   in a serialization of RDF (GRDDL not counted as one).
- see:human_readable -- pointer to a description that is human-readable

Vasiliy Faronov

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