On Пнд, 2011-01-10 at 13:04 +0000, Toby Inkster wrote:
> Don't we already have enough of those?

Maybe we do, but then it's an issue of "best practice" consensus and
documentation. I think both publishers and consumers could benefit from
a broadly-agreed-upon list of common link types with appropriate

> <s> powder-s:describedby <o> .
> # <o> provides some more information about <o>, often in a
> # machine-readable format.

Or could as well be a 15M PDF. An autonomous LD client cannot tell.

An informal recommendation like "use wdrs:describedby to point to a
terse and authoritative RDF description" and/or "wdrs:describedby is
equivalent to a follow-your-nose description" would help.

Then again, nothing in the POWDER spec says it shouldn't be a 15M PDF.
So we kind of imbue a predicate with semantics it doesn't have according
to the standard. A separate term with a clear specification would avoid
this problem and everyone could rely on it.

> <s> rdfs:seeAlso <o> .
> # Like powder-s:describedby but perhaps more tangential.

As Tim's email suggests, this interpretation is not universal.

> <s> rdfs:isDefinedBy <o> .
> # <o> provides the canonical definition of <s> .

It's clear what a "definition" is for an RDFS vocabulary term, but not
clear if I can apply this to instance data. Is "authoritative
description" synonymous with "definition"? Does anyone use isDefinedBy
for things other than classes and properties?

Vasiliy Faronov

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