Hello all,

We are pleased to announce the Linked Open Vocabularies initiative [1].

The web of data is based on datasets publication. When building a dataset
some questions arise: which existing vocabularies will be the best-suited
for my needs? To facilitate this task we propose
the Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)  dataset [1]. It identifies the defined
vocabularies for data description but also the relationships between these
The work within the LOV is not exhaustive but, by suggesting us some
vocabulary modifications and/or creations, we could improve this dataset.
You could access this dataset via an RDF/XML file [2] and via a SPARQL
Endpoint [3].

[1] http://labs.mondeca.com/dataset/lov/index.html
[2] http://labs.mondeca.com/dataset/lov/lov.rdf
[3] http://labs.mondeca.com/endpoint/lov

Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, Bernard Vatant, Lise Rozat
Research & Development
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France
Website: www.mondeca.com
Lab: Mondeca Labs <http://labs.mondeca.com/>

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