Dear Martin,

My advise is to bite the bullet now and once and change all the URIs to use 
numerical ids, ridding them of any domain content. 

If you have the desire now to change a string you will have it again. Get rid 
of the issue now and forever while the semantic web is young. 

Aside from the issue you are facing, in my opinion choosing any particular 
language (English in this case) in a privileged position in the URI will be a 
barrier, perhaps subtle, to global adoption. 

The OBO Foundry policy is at  the in case 
it might be useful. You will see we decided to bite the bullet (because of 
another bad design choice) and how we are documenting it. 


On Apr 21, 2011, at 5:46 AM, Martin Hepp <> 

> Dear all:
> I am considering to rename a few conceptual elements in the GoodRelations 
> ontology. However, they are already in use in data, queries, and 
> applications. Thus, I am thinking of the least intrusive way of implementing 
> this. I think this question is also relevant for many other OWL vocabularies 
> on the Web.
> Attached, please find my proposal. It critically depends on the ability of 
> typical triple-stores to compute basic(*) inferences for
> - owl:equivalentProperty for owl:DatatypeProperty and owl:ObjectProperty 
> entities,
> - owl:equivalentClass for pairs of owl:Class and
> - owl:sameAs for pairs of "ontological" instances, e.g. value nodes defined 
> in the vocabulary.
> With "basic", I mean that additional triples for the additional class 
> membership or property or instance must be materialized; this could be a 
> subset of the complete theoretical implications.
> As far as I know, Virtuoso does support this to a sufficient degree, but I am 
> unsure about other parts of widely deployed infrastructure.
> It would be no problem to express the necessary inferences by means of a 
> Please share any suggestions and concerns with me.
> Old, but in use:
> ---------------
> foo:LongClassName a owl:Class ;
>    rdfs:label "LongClassName" .
> foo:LongPropertyName1 a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>    rdfs:domain foo:LongClassName ;
>    rdfs:label "LongPropertyName1" .
> foo:LongPropertyName2 a owl:ObjectProperty ;
>    rdfs:domain foo:LongClassName ;
>    rdfs:range foo:SomeOtherClass1 ;    
>    rdfs:label "LongPropertyName1" .
> foo:LongNameIndividual a foo:SomeOtherClass2 ;
>    rdfs:label "LongNameIndividual" .
> Now, we want to rename those elements as follows, without breaking old data 
> nor old queries / applications:
> foo:LongClassName --> foo:NewClassName
> foo:LongPropertyName1 --> foo:NewPropertyName1
> foo:LongPropertyName2 --> foo:NewPropertyName2
> foo:LongNameIndividual --> foo:NewNameIndividual
> Proposal:
> --------
> a) Step 1: Define new classes, properties, individuals and link back to their 
> old variants
> foo:NewClassName a owl:Class ;
>    owl:equivalentClass foo:LongClassName .
>    rdfs:label "NewClassName (Note: This was foo:LongClassName previously)" .
> foo:NewPropertyName1 a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>    owl:equivalentProperty foo:LongPropertyName1 ;
>    rdfs:domain foo:NewClassName ;
>    rdfs:label "NewPropertyName1 (Note: This was foo:LongPropertyName1 
> previously)" .
> foo:NewPropertyName2 a owl:ObjectProperty ;
>    owl:equivalentProperty foo:LongPropertyName2 ;
>    rdfs:domain foo:NewClassName ;
>    rdfs:range foo:SomeOtherClass1 ;    
>    rdfs:label "NewPropertyName2 (Note: This was foo:LongPropertyName2 
> previously)" .
> foo:NewNameIndividual a foo:SomeOtherClass2 ;
>    owl:sameAs foo:LongNameIndividual ;
>    rdfs:label "NewNameIndividual (Note: This was foo:LongNameIndividual 
> previously)" .
> b) Step 2: Deprecate the old elements in OWL 2 style (using owl:deprecated)
> foo:LongClassName a owl:Class;
>    owl:deprecated true;
>    rdfs:label "LongClassName - Deprecated, use foo:NewClassName instead" .
> foo:LongPropertyName1 a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>    owl:deprecated true;
>    rdfs:domain foo:LongClassName ;
>    rdfs:label "LongPropertyName1 - Deprecated, use foo:NewPropertyName1 
> instead" .
> foo:LongPropertyName2 a owl:ObjectProperty ;
>    owl:deprecated true ;
>    rdfs:domain foo:LongClassName ;
>    rdfs:range foo:SomeOtherClass1 ;    
>    rdfs:label "LongPropertyName1 - Deprecated, use foo:NewPropertyName2 
> instead" .
> foo:LongNameIndividual a foo:SomeOtherClass2 ;
>    owl:deprecated true ;
>    rdfs:label "LongNameIndividual - Deprecated, use foo:NewNameIndividual 
> instead" .
> c) Since the owl:deprecated property is not defined in OWL1, I would also add 
> the following axiom in order to remain within OWL 1 DL:
> #OWL 1 DL compatibility of the OWL2 deprecated property
> owl:deprecated a owl:AnnotationProperty.
> Thanks in advance!
> Best
> Martin
> --------------------------------------------------------
> martin hepp
> e-business & web science research group
> universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen
> e-mail:
> phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
> fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
> www: (group)
> (personal)
> skype:   mfhepp 
> twitter: mfhepp

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