* [2011-06-07 09:22:01 +0100] Michael Hausenblas <michael.hausenb...@deri.org> 

] >Something I don't understand. If I read well all savvy discussions  
] >so far, publishers behind http://schema.org URIs are unlikely to  
] >ever provide any RDF description,
] What makes you so sure about that not one day in the (near?) future  
] the Schema.org URIs will serve RDF or JSON, FWIW, additionally to  
] HTML? ;)

I suspect the prevailing view within Google is that autoneg is not
used in the real world. For example,


(Brad was the creator of LiveJournal, now at Google, and I don't
think his view expressed there is uncommon).

So perhaps not the *near* future. Some other arrangement that does
not use the Accept header (and that seems to mean different URIs
then) is probably more likely, but this is just a guess.

William Waites                <mailto:w...@styx.org>
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