My sincere congratulations, i had someone overlooked at this level of
detail needed here.

The choices are pragmatic and - in my personal opinion having talked
directly at SemTech with a lot of people involved in this - should
serve the community as good as possible.

will you be posting this as a FAQ i think its definitely worth it.


On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Richard Cyganiak <> wrote:
> All,
> Thanks for the thoughtful feedback regarding, both here and 
> off-list.
> This is a collective response to various arguments brought up. I'll 
> paraphrase the arguments.
>> Limiting ranges of properties to strings is bad because we LD people might 
>> want to use URIs or blank nodes there.
> says the range is a string, and the RDFS translation reflects 
> this. We tried to formally describe in RDFS. We did not try to 
> make a fork that improves upon their modelling. That might be a worthwhile 
> project too, but a different project.
>> documentation explicitly say that you can use a text instead of a 
>> Thing/Person/other type.
> This is the opposite case from the one above: They say that in place of a 
> resource, you can always use a text. That's ok—we didn't say that 
> schema:Thing is disjoint from literals. (I'm tempted to add “xsd:string 
> rdfs:subClassOf schema:Thing.” to capture this bit of the 
> documentation.)
>> The range should use rdfs:Literal instead of xsd:string to allow language 
>> tags.
> That's a good point. The problem is that xsd:string is too narrow and 
> rdfs:Literal is too broad. RDF 1.1 is likely to define a class of all string 
> literals (tagged and untagged), we'll use that when its name has been 
> settled, and perhaps just leave the inaccurate xsd:string in place for now.
>> You should use owl:allValuesFrom instead of the union domains/ranges.
> Probably correct in terms of good OWL modelling. But the current modelling is 
> not wrong AFAICT, and it's nicer to use the same construct for single- and 
> multi-type domains and ranges.
>> Nothing is gained from the range assertions. They should be dropped.
> They capture a part of the documentation: the “expected type” of 
> each property. That part of the documentation would be lost. Conversely, 
> nothing is gained by dropping them.
>> You should jiggle where rdfs:isDefinedBy points to, or use wdrs:describedby.
> This could probably be done better, but the way we currently do it is simple, 
> and not wrong, so we're a bit reluctant to change it.
>> You're missing an owl:Class type on the anonymous union classes.
> Good catch, fixed. Thanks Holger!
>> You should add owl:FunctionalProperty for all single-valued properties.
> The documentation unfortunately doesn't talk about the cardinality 
> of properties. Using heuristics to determine which properties could be 
> functional seems a bit risky, given that it's easy to shoot oneself in the 
> foot with owl:FunctionalProperty.
>> There are UTF-8 encoding problems in comments.
> Fixed. Thanks Aidan!
>> You should mint new URIs and use instead of 
> defines URIs for a set of useful vocabulary terms. The nice thing 
> about it is that the URIs have Google backing. The Google backing would be 
> lost by forking with a different set of URIs.
>> You should mint new URIs because the URIs don't resolve to RDF.
> Dereferenceability is only a means to an end: establishing identifiers that 
> are widely understood as denoting a particular thing. Let's acknowledge 
> reality: Google-backed URIs with HTML-only documentation achieve this better 
> than researcher-backed URIs which follow best practices to a tee with a 
> cherry on top.
>> You are violating httpRange-14 because you say that 
>> is a class, while it clearly is an information resource.
> documentation uses these URIs as classes and properties in RDFa. 
> They also return 200 from those URIs. So it's them who are violating 
> httpRange-14, not us. Draw your own conclusion about the viability of 
> httpRange-14.
>> You should use
> is using as a class in their RDFa 
> documentation. I don't think we should mint different URIs in their namespace.
>> is not the same as foaf:Person; one is a class of 
>> documents, the other the class of people.
> I don't think that's correct at all. is the class of 
> people and is equivalent to foaf:Person. It's just that the 
> designers don't seem to care much about the distinction between information 
> resources and angels and pinheads. This is the prevalent attitude outside of 
> this mailing list and we should come to terms with this.
> Best,
> Richard

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