Thanks, Kingsley.

But I'm still at a loss for having my facebook URI being part of Linked Data...

(see within)

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Kingsley Idehen
<> wrote:
> On 9/23/11 10:11 AM, Tim rdf wrote:
>> Which URI should I put in my foaf file [1][2]?
>> <>
>>    a foaf:Person;
>>    owl:sameAs
>>               <>,   #<-----
>> Facebook's URI for me!
>>               <>;     #<----- Or
>> should I omit the hash?
>> [1]
>> [2] my vanity is timothy.lebo
> Use: . It's your data space, so you
> can use identifiers as you see fit,

It's not my data space; it's Facebook's data space (as indicated by
the domain name up front and knowing that I'm not Mark).

Regardless of what URIs I make up by putting strings after that hash
(e.g.,, NONE of them will be
described when I request them from Facebook; Facebook will just stare
back at me and say the same thing over and over again:

bash-3.2$ rapper -g -o ntriples
<> "24407945" .
<> "Timothy Lebo" .
<> "Timothy" .
<> "Lebo" .
<> "timothy.lebo" .
<> "male" .
<> "en_US" .

Note that <> is NOT in
Facebook's response, so I fell into a dead end why trying to find out
about #this because there are no triples mentioning it).

By seeing:

<> "Timothy" .

I'd say that

<> owl:sameAs
<>; a foaf:Person .


requesting <> doesn't get me my first name .


>> Why does<>  not resolve to anything,
>> bash-3.2$ curl -H 'Accept: text/turtle'
>> _:error
>>        :error [
>>                        :message "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested
>> do not exist: 24407945#" ;
>>                        :type "OAuthException" ] .
>> while<>  resolves to something that
>> doesn't describe<>?
>> bash-3.2$ curl -H 'Accept: text/turtle'
>> @prefix user:<>  .
>> </24407945#>
>>        user:id "24407945" ;
>>        user:name "Timothy Lebo" ;
>> Thanks,
>> Tim Lebo

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