On 3/24/12 6:28 AM, Dan Brickley wrote:
I don't believe we'll ever come up with a clear distinction between
'description' and 'representation', such that we can say "look, Dan's
homepage, you get a proper representation of it across the wire, ...
whereas a physical book, you're merely getting a description".
BTW - great post!

Re. the above, how about seeing a 'description' as a kind of 'representation'. Thus, you can have 'representations' of web pages which are Web medium artifacts and 'descriptions' for everything else that isn't a Web medium artifact. Likewise, we can even get folks to accept/understand that 'definitions' are a kind of 'description' too.

Underutilized predicates such as: wdrs:describedby and rdfs:isDefinedBy, capture the semantics of the statement above. Ditto partitioning of relations across the TBox and Abox in knowledge management.


1. http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-description-and-vs-definition/



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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