On Mar 23, 2012, at 8:52 AM, Jonathan A Rees wrote:

> I am a bit dismayed that nobody seems to be picking up on the point
> I've been hammering on (TimBL and others have also pointed it out),
> that, as shown by the Flickr and Jamendo examples, the real issue is
> not an IR/NIR type distinction, but rather a distinction in the
> *manner* in which a URI gets its meaning, via instantiation (of some
> generic IR) on the one hand, vs. description (of *any* resource,
> perhaps even an IR) on the other. The whole
> information-resource-as-type issue is a total red herring, perhaps the
> most destructive mistake made by the httpRange-14 resolution.

+1000. There is no need for anyone to even talk about "information resources". 
The important point about http-range-14, which unfortunately it itself does not 
make clear, is that the 200-level code is a signal that the URI *denotes* 
whatever it *accesses* via the HTTP internet architecture. We don't need to get 
into the metaphysics of HTTP in order to see that a book (say) can't be 
accessed by HTTP, so if you want to denote it (the book) with an IRI and stay 
in conformance with this rule, then you have to use something other than a 
200-level response. 


> Best
> Jonathan

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