Thanks a lot for your feedback! That's really precious.

@Richard, Jon: yes, we'll try to have the 301 working for a while. But not 
forever, so it would be good if something could function as a more stable 
solution. Though I'm not sure the requirement is too strong, in our case. It's 
not as if we were dbPedia ;-)

@Kevin: yes, the sameAs statement is served on the side.

@Bernard, Ed, on using dcterms:replaces instead of owl:sameAs between the 
stitch and bnf URIs for our SKOS concepts:

For once, I have quite a good feeling about using owl:sameAs. It seems to 
really match the case at hand: the URIs are really about the same resource. And 
with the new situation, all the 'official' statements on the stitch URIs comes 
from the site. And there's just one such statement: the sameAs one!
So that limits the risk of dangerous inferences that people are usually afraid 
of, I'd say.

We could still use dcterms:replaces *next* to owl:sameAs. But there's a 
conflict: one resource would replace itself...

In fact it seems that the dcterms:replaces option considers two resources (one 
that replace the other). Which in turns hints that you're considering that the 
URIs denote the URI themselves (or a 'concept-with-a-URI'), and not the 
resource (concept). I'm quite reluctant to this...



Dear all,

We have a question on an what to do when a linked data set is "moved" from one 
namespace to the other. We searched for recipes to apply, but did not really find 
anything 'official' around...

The VU university of Amsterdam has published a Linked Data SKOS representation 
of RAMEAU [1] as a prototype, several years ago. For example we have

Recently, BnF implemented its own production service for RAMEAU. The previous 
concept is at:
(see RDF at

The production services makes the prototype obsolete. Our issue is how to properly 
"transition" from one to the other. Several services are using the URIs of the 
prototype. For example at the Library of Congress:

We can ask for the people we know to change their links. But identifying the 
users of URIs seems too manual, error-prone a process. And of course in general 
we do not want links to be broken.

Currently we have done the following:

- a 301 "moved permanently" redirection from the 
prototype to

- an owl:sameAs statement between the prototype URIs and the production ones, 
so that a client searching for data on the old URI gets data that enables it to 
make the connection with the original resource (URI) it was seeking data about.

Does that seem ok? What should we do, otherwise?

Thanks for any feedback you could have,

Antoine Isaac (VU Amsterdam side)
Romain Wenz (BnF side)

[1] RAMEAU is a vocabulary (thesaurus) used by the National Library of France 
(BnF) for describing books.

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