Hi Antoine,
Apart from all the internal stuff, you (or rather your users) can of course use 
http://sameas.org (in fact, this is part of its raison d'ĂȘtre, to use an 
English phrase). E.g.
is the main one, but there is a specialist library one at 
http://sameas.org/store/kelle e.g. 

If you wanted your own store to only have the mappings you care about and 
carrying your own trust to your users, then please email me and I will create 


On 20 Apr 2012, at 14:11, Antoine Isaac wrote:

> Thanks a lot for your feedback! That's really precious.
> @Richard, Jon: yes, we'll try to have the 301 working for a while. But not 
> forever, so it would be good if something could function as a more stable 
> solution. Though I'm not sure the requirement is too strong, in our case. 
> It's not as if we were dbPedia ;-)
> @Kevin: yes, the sameAs statement is served on the data.bnf.fr side.
> @Bernard, Ed, on using dcterms:replaces instead of owl:sameAs between the 
> stitch and bnf URIs for our SKOS concepts:
> For once, I have quite a good feeling about using owl:sameAs. It seems to 
> really match the case at hand: the URIs are really about the same resource. 
> And with the new situation, all the 'official' statements on the stitch URIs 
> comes from the data.bnf.fr site. And there's just one such statement: the 
> sameAs one!
> So that limits the risk of dangerous inferences that people are usually 
> afraid of, I'd say.
> We could still use dcterms:replaces *next* to owl:sameAs. But there's a 
> conflict: one resource would replace itself...
> In fact it seems that the dcterms:replaces option considers two resources 
> (one that replace the other). Which in turns hints that you're considering 
> that the URIs denote the URI themselves (or a 'concept-with-a-URI'), and not 
> the resource (concept). I'm quite reluctant to this...
> Best,
> Antoine
>> Dear all,
>> We have a question on an what to do when a linked data set is "moved" from 
>> one namespace to the other. We searched for recipes to apply, but did not 
>> really find anything 'official' around...
>> The VU university of Amsterdam has published a Linked Data SKOS 
>> representation of RAMEAU [1] as a prototype, several years ago. For example 
>> we have
>> http://stitch.cs.vu.nl/vocabularies/rameau/ark:/12148/cb14521343b
>> Recently, BnF implemented its own production service for RAMEAU. The 
>> previous concept is at:
>> http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb14521343b
>> (see RDF at http://data.bnf.fr/14521343/web_semantique/rdf.xml)
>> The production services makes the prototype obsolete. Our issue is how to 
>> properly "transition" from one to the other. Several services are using the 
>> URIs of the prototype. For example at the Library of Congress:
>> http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2002000569
>> We can ask for the people we know to change their links. But identifying the 
>> users of URIs seems too manual, error-prone a process. And of course in 
>> general we do not want links to be broken.
>> Currently we have done the following:
>> - a 301 "moved permanently" redirection from the stitch.cs.vu.nl/rameau 
>> prototype to data.bnf.fr.
>> - an owl:sameAs statement between the prototype URIs and the production 
>> ones, so that a client searching for data on the old URI gets data that 
>> enables it to make the connection with the original resource (URI) it was 
>> seeking data about.
>> Does that seem ok? What should we do, otherwise?
>> Thanks for any feedback you could have,
>> Antoine Isaac (VU Amsterdam side)
>> Romain Wenz (BnF side)
>> [1] RAMEAU is a vocabulary (thesaurus) used by the National Library of 
>> France (BnF) for describing books.

Hugh Glaser,  
             Web and Internet Science
             Electronics and Computer Science,
             University of Southampton,
             Southampton SO17 1BJ
Work: +44 23 8059 3670, Fax: +44 23 8059 3045
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