If we want to establish hierarchy shouldn't we have:

(OK, I'm being flippant, but making linkeddata.org an entry point for purely large open interlinked datasets, under the Cloud criteria, is a bit of a misnaming anyway)


On 01/05/13 11:09, Luca Matteis wrote:
Dear Hugh,

    o linkeddata.org <http://linkeddata.org/> could feed off a subset
    of semanticweb.org <http://semanticweb.org/>, by re-skinning

    o linkeddata.org <http://linkeddata.org/> might simply lead to
semanticweb.org <http://semanticweb.org/>

I like the strict separation between the two sites, I feel it should remain this way. We all agree that LOD belongs under the SW umbrella, but it's a small subset of SW, so definitely needs its own contextual domain. The separation needs to be made clear for newcomers, so mashing these two domains together isn't going to help them.

I wonder if this could be our chance to really shine and show off the benefits behind LOD. I agree with Kingsley and Jürgen that linkeddata.org <http://linkeddata.org> should be powered by the LOD cloud itself. I am just not sure I understand all the jargon they are throwing at it, but it feels like the right way.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Hugh Glaser <h...@ecs.soton.ac.uk <mailto:h...@ecs.soton.ac.uk>> wrote:

    What should be the relationship with http://semanticweb.org?

    It seems to me that there will always be a big overlap, certainly
    for tools, etc.
    In fact, is there anything that would go on linkeddata.org
    <http://linkeddata.org> that couldn't also usefully be on
    semanticweb.org <http://semanticweb.org>?
    If that is true, then fragmenting the sources of information for
    newcomers and others is not a good thing to do.
    And doubling the work that a contributor has to do is not good either.

    If we tried to do some amalgamation:
    o linkeddata.org <http://linkeddata.org> could feed off a subset
    of semanticweb.org <http://semanticweb.org>, by re-skinning
    o linkeddata.org <http://linkeddata.org> might simply lead to
    semanticweb.org <http://semanticweb.org>
    o There might be clever technology, using tagging etc to do
    something more sophisticated

    (I am reminded of the BBC choosing to contribute to MusicBrainz
    instead of trying to maintain its own KB.)

    Also I have been trying to find out who (if anyone) is currently
    able to make a little change to the http://data.semanticweb.org
    publishing - can anyone remind me where we are at the moment please?


    On 30 Apr 2013, at 15:39, Tom Heath <tom.he...@theodi.org
    <mailto:tom.he...@theodi.org>> wrote:

    > Hi Yury, Luca, all,
    > There's a separate, off-list thread going on at the moment with
    > Stéphane Corlosquet, who has offered to help maintain the site (and
    > now has admin rights) -- thanks Stéphane!
    > You're right, the site is very stale. As I've said many times
    > I'm open to any suggestions about how to use the domain for the
    > greatest benefit of the community. So, all ideas welcomed,
    though they
    > have to include a willingness to participate and a plan for how to
    > actually get the work done on an ongoing basis. As history shows I'm
    > too busy right now to participate regularly :(
    > Cheers,
    > Tom.
    > On 30 April 2013 14:28, Yury Katkov <katkov.ju...@gmail.com
    <mailto:katkov.ju...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    >> It seems like the website is abandoned. It's strange that the
    diagram is not
    >> developing as well: it is the most common Power Point slide in
    >> Semantic Web-related presentation :)
    >> -----
    >> Yury Katkov, WikiVote
    >> On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Luca Matteis
    <lmatt...@gmail.com <mailto:lmatt...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    >>> Hello,
    >>> I was wondering if we could make http://linkeddata.org/ a bit
    more open &
    >>> community friendly. Currently I find its contents a bit
    outdated. For
    >>> example, the Research page only contains content from 2009. I
    think a
    >>> "Community" page is missing where we could have links to G+,
    Twitter and IRC
    >>> communities. Also we could have a page for Meetups and
    conferences around
    >>> LOD.
    >>> I find the OpenID log in to be a bit unfriendly. There's many
    people who
    >>> have never heard of this technology, and it is a bit
    overwhelming to have to
    >>> copy & paste an OpenID url in order to log in to the website.
    >>> Tom Heath seems to be the administrator, so perhaps we can
    discuss about a
    >>> better Wiki system for the site? Maybe Semantic Wiki ;)?
    >>> Let me know what you think!
    >>> Luca
    > --
    > Dr Tom Heath
    > Data Scientist
    > Open Data Institute
    > http://theodi.org/

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