On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Phillip Lord <phillip.l...@newcastle.ac.uk
> wrote:

> Dump Springer, and just publish the results on arXiv. If ESWC cannot
> organise a conference at 800 Euro a pop, without cash from Springer,
> then perhaps they should try getting a cheaper venue.
> Better still, let's separate out the committees, the publication, and
> the conference. The committees can look at papers, they can all be
> published on arxiv. And people who want can go to the conference.
Fully agreed.

How about the idea of "Open Conference", similar to (BOAI) Open Access,
Open data, Open Source... That does not mean the conference does not cost
money - but that the procedures and the results are Open.

And if Springer are serious about being an "Open Access" publisher they
could then offer to run it as Open Conference.


Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge

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