Not published yet - exemplar applications go in EUCLID's Module 5, which we'll consult the list on, as we did for Modules 3 and 4.

We'll also include it in an endpoint for the SKOS/ version of the syllabus, which I'm now honour-bound to publicly release now our project review's done.

Stand by for a message from Maria Maleshkova at KIT, where they compile the syllabus...


On 23/06/13 12:41, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
Excerpts from Barry Norton's message of 2013-06-23 11:16:16 +0000:
Dominic, I think this is a great idea - the W3C lists suffer both from
senescence and fatigue (i.e., they're out-of-date and seem not to get
refreshed with new examples).

May I be presumptuous enough to offer to help/steal from the EUCLID
project, where we're already compiling such a list (and ResearchSpace is
already on it ;) )?
where do we find this list? :)

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