On 8/6/13 11:54 AM, Norman Gray wrote:
Hugh and Kingsley, hello.

On 2013 Aug 6, at 14:27, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

In reality though, for your particular user profile I would encourage you to 
simply manually add insert the relations required by the WebID+TLS protocol 
into your existing profile, after you've generated an X.509 certificate using 
in-built OS utilities [1].
I've just done this, prompted by your message, Hugh, and it was oddly easy, 
_with_ Kingsley's hints.  The following fills in a couple of elided steps.

1. Create a Profile Document -- this gets you a Personal HTTP URI (or WebID) that denotes 
entity "You"
I already have a FOAF file <http://nxg.me.uk/norman/>.  Tick!

2. Generate an X.509 Certificate -- as part of the process, place your WebID in 
the SAN (Subject Alternative Name) slot
I did that, using Kingsley's walkthrough of the OS X Certificate Assistant (within 
Keychain Access) at 

This took two goes, because I decided that I should create a certificate with CN "Norman Gray 
(WebID)", adding the "(WebID)" to avoid confusing myself.

3. Add a relation to your Profile Document that associates your WebID with the 
Public Key (exponent and modulus) from the Cert. generated in step #3.
If you use OS X Keychain Access, then 'Get Info' on the certificate will show 
the exponent and modulus.  The wrinkle here is that the Get Info display names 
the modulus as 'Public Key' (which I suppose one could quibble with).

If you want to do it the hard way (as I had to do, to work out that that _was_ 
what they meant by 'Public Key'), then export the certificate as a .cer file, 

   % openssl x509 -inform DER -modulus -noout -in ~/Desktop/norman-webid.cer

I added this to my FOAF file with:

     cert:key [
         cert:exponent 65537;

I got the details of that from <http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebID>.

Then I put it on the web.

4. Verify your WebID
I went to <http://webid.turnguard.com/WebIDTestServer/> and clicked on 
'OnlyWithCert'.  I was asked to trust the server (because its certificate wasn't 
signed by a CA), and to choose which certificate to use, and ... it worked.  That was 
with both Chrome and Safari.

5. Start authenticating against apps and services that support WebID+TLS based 
Right... where can I use this that _isn't_ just for testing, and will actually 
be (you know) useful?

No, this isn't the route I'd suggest to my Mum, but getting her a by-hand WebID 
might be a little premature in any case.

All the best,



Once you have a WebID, you can quickly verify it using a number of utilities that support the WebID+TLS authentication protocol:

1. http://id.myopenlink.net/ods/webid_demo.html
2. https://delicious.com/kidehen/webid -- for others .

Once you know you've successfully authenticated, you can then explore some apps and services that support WebID and the WebID+TLS authentication protocol:

1. http://web.ods.openlinksw.com/login.vsp?returnto=index.vsp -- an instance of ODS (OpenLink Data Spaces)
2. https://my-profile.eu/
3. http://rww.io
4. https://delicious.com/kidehen/webid_apps -- others.



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Personal Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/112399767740508618350/about
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen

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