Hello again,

Thank you all for expressing your interest. I would like to keep this
thread open for a few more days, to get an estimate of how many people are
interested in participating. Until then, please familiarize yourselves with
the WAC ontology (in case you haven't already), and maybe compile a list of
topics you feel we should bring up.


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 6:26 PM, Erich Bremer <er...@ebremer.com> wrote:

>  Hi Andrei,
>     I am interested in participating.  I've been looking to add WAC to
> VIVO to work with the WebID4VIVO that we have created to allow inter-VIVO
> operations.  -- Erich
> Erich Bremer
> http://www.ebremer.com
> On 10/17/13 9:05 AM, Andrei Sambra wrote:
> Dear all,
>  For those of you who know me, please skip this paragraph. For the
> others, I would first like to introduce myself. My name is Andrei Sambra
> and for the past three years I have been involved in different W3C groups,
> such as WebID, LDP and RWW (co-chair). As an advocate of Semantic Web
> technologies, especially those taking user privacy into consideration, I am
> currently working on two projects, MyProfile [1] (WebID provider / social
> network) and RWW.IO [2], the later including support for WebID, LDP and
> WAC [3]. RWW.IO is a Read/Write Web-based personal data store.
>  Over the past few years, we have noticed that Linked Data is no longer a
> technology limited to the public space, finding its way into consumer
> applications. As a consequence, it becomes increasingly important to be
> able to protect access to private/sensitive resources. To this regard, the Web
> Access Control (WAC) ontology [3] has been put together by Tim Berners-Lee,
> offering the basic means to set up ACLs. Due to its nature (i.e. an
> ontology) however, it does not provide the formalism necessary to implement
> it in order to achieve interoperability, nor does it provide an organized
> space where it can be discussed and improved.
>  The reason behind writing the email is that I would like to know how
> many people are interested in participating to the standardization process
> of a Web Access Control spec.
>  The Read Write Web community group has so far been the host of inquiries
> regarding the WAC ontology. However, being a community group, it does not
> have access to W3C's teleconference system, nor to the issue tracking
> system. Depending on your interest in a WAC spec, and the preliminary
> discussions we might have, we may very well have to create a dedicated
> working group. For now however, I suggest we use the public RWW list (
> public-...@w3.org) in order to coordinate the efforts on this subject.
>  Please let me know how you stand on this subject and perhaps suggest a
> way to count who is interested in participating (doodle, something else
> maybe?).
>  Best wishes,
> Andrei
>  [1] https://my-profile.eu/
> [2] https://rww.io/
> [3] http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebAccessControl

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