On 11/26/13 9:48 AM, mike amundsen wrote:

No "by extension" needed here. Affordance is a quality of a thing that allows action.

RDF alone (w/o an added ontology) affords "data interchange."

RDF on its own does offer a little more than data interchange. It enables structured data representation where actual relationship semantics are discernible and comprehensible by both humans and machines.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 7:24 AM, Martynas Jusevičius <marty...@graphity.org <mailto:marty...@graphity.org>> wrote:


    You wrote

    > Yes,
    > <http://example.com/xxxxx> a foaf:Image .
    > is an affordance.

    Then, by extension, RDF classes are affordances, and vocabularies are
    specifications of them.
    So this gives me the impression that Linked Data applications can
    solve the affordance issue using the standard components that have
    always been there - RDF and vocabularies/ontologies?

    graphityhq.com <http://graphityhq.com>

    > of course, that affordance (like HTML.IMG) relies a number of
    > which most all of us recognize when we see it.
    > From the network perspective, the expectations are (to keep it
    > - this is a "safe"[1] and "idempotent"[2] operation
    > - an image media type to be returned.
    > From the client application perspective, the expectations are:
    > - use an HTTP.GET when executing this operation
    > - take the results of the locator and "transclude" it into the
    existing view
    > if any these expectations are not fulfilled, the affordance is
    > considered "broken" (the network failed) or "mis-used" (the
    client did
    > something else).
    > <snip>
    > By the way, nothing stops me from having <a
    href="isbn:343-224122"> either.
    > It will probably be clickable, but won't work.
    > </snip>
    > I would restate this as "it is *possible* to have..." since
    there is,
    > actually something that stops you - the expectations of so many
    others who
    > recognize this affordance.
    > Think of the HTML.A as a door in a room. If i go up to a door,
    turn the
    > handle, and nothing happens (I don't "navigate" to a new room),
    I consider
    > the door broken or (as Donald Norman might say) that the door is
    "lying to
    > me." If I encounter a home where many of the doors act in this
    > way, I find the experience off-putting. I might even judge the
    > incompetent to, at the least, perverse.
    > Now consider a hypermedia representation where many of the
    affordances are
    > either not working as expected (as in your case) or are actually
    > to me; ones that just don't tell me enough to be usable.
    > There is an advantage to using affordances in that they offer a
    > understanding without the need for narrative or instructions.
    That's why we
    > can drive most vehicles if we've already learned to drive one.
    Why we can
    > operate most telephones, etc.  Devices that have unfamiliar or
    > counter-intuitive affordances are frustrating and, in some rare
    cases, can
    > be dangerous.
    > [1] http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html#sec9.1.1
    > [2] http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html#sec9.1.2
    > mamund
    > +1.859.757.1449 <tel:%2B1.859.757.1449>
    > skype: mca.amundsen
    > http://amundsen.com/blog/
    > http://twitter.com/mamund
    > https://github.com/mamund
    > http://www.linkedin.com/in/mamund
    > On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Martynas Jusevičius
    > <marty...@graphity.org <mailto:marty...@graphity.org>> wrote:
    >> Mike,
    >> so if RDF representation includes a triple such as
    >>   <http://example.com/xxxxx> a foaf:Image .
    >> is that an affordance? Because that gives me enough information to
    >> render it as <img src="http://example.com/xxxxx"/>.
    >> By the way, nothing stops me from having <a href="isbn:343-224122">
    >> either. It will probably be clickable, but won't work.
    >> Martynas
    >> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 4:42 PM, mike amundsen
    <mam...@yahoo.com <mailto:mam...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
    >> > <snip>
    >> > A browser for example doesn't render the string
    >> > http://example.com/343-224122 as a clickable link unless you
    mark it up
    >> > as
    >> > one using the <a> tag.
    >> > </snip>
    >> >
    >> > Yep, the A element is the thing that _affords_ clicking. it
    is the A
    >> > element
    >> > which is the affordance.
    >> >
    >> > Affordances don't just supply addresses, they supply
    information about
    >> > what
    >> > you can _do_ with that address (navigate, transclude, send
    >> > write
    >> > data, remove data, etc.). The appearance of a URL alone
    provides very
    >> > little
    >> > affordance.
    >> >
    >> > For example:
    >> > - http://example.com/xxxxx
    >> > - http://example.com/yyyyy
    >> > one of the two URLs points to a blog page to which the user can
    >> > navigate,
    >> > the other points to a logo which should be displayed inline.
    which is
    >> > which?
    >> >
    >> > Now this:
    >> > - <a href="...">blog</a>
    >> > - <img href="..."  />
    >> > one of the two URLs points to a blog page, the other points
    to a logo.
    >> > which
    >> > is which?
    >> >
    >> > Note it is not the URL that provides the information (which
    is for
    >> > navigation, which is for transclusion), but the element in
    which the URL
    >> > appears. The element is the affordance. These are HTML
    >> > There
    >> > are a couple more hypermedia affordances in HTML. Other
    message models
    >> > (media types) contain their own affordances.
    >> >
    >> > It is the appearance of affordances within the response
    >> > that
    >> > is a key characteristic of hypermedia messages.
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > mamund
    >> > +1.859.757.1449 <tel:%2B1.859.757.1449>
    >> > skype: mca.amundsen
    >> > http://amundsen.com/blog/
    >> > http://twitter.com/mamund
    >> > https://github.com/mamund
    >> > http://www.linkedin.com/in/mamund
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Markus Lanthaler
    >> > <markus.lantha...@gmx.net <mailto:markus.lantha...@gmx.net>>
    >> >>
    >> >> Hi Martynas,
    >> >>
    >> >> On Friday, November 22, 2013 3:12 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
    >> >> > Markus,
    >> >> >
    >> >> > in the Linked Data context, what is the difference between
    >> >> > "identifier" and "hyperlink"? Last time I checked, URIs
    were opaque
    >> >> > and there was no such distinction.
    >> >>
    >> >> These things quickly turn into philosophical discussions but
    >> >> speaking
    >> >> the difference lies in the expectations of a client. In XML for
    >> >> example,
    >> >> namespaces are just identifiers. There's no expectation that
    you can go
    >> >> and
    >> >> dereference that namespace identifier (even though in most
    cases they
    >> >> use
    >> >> HTTP URIs). The same is true about RDF. All URIs are just
    >> >> From
    >> >> an RDF point of view, there's no difference between
    isbn:343-224122 and
    >> >> http://example.com/343-224122. As you say, they are opaque.
    >> >>
    >> >> But if you build applications, it is important to
    distinguish between
    >> >> identifiers and hyperlinks. A browser for example doesn't
    render the
    >> >> string
    >> >> http://example.com/343-224122 as a clickable link unless you
    mark it up
    >> >> as
    >> >> one using the <a> tag.
    >> >>
    >> >> Linked Data advocates that all URIs are dereferenceable. But
    >> >> communicated out of band. Apart from JSON-LD, which states
    that URIs
    >> >> SHOULD
    >> >> be dereferenceable, no other RDF media type makes such a
    >> >> Thus
    >> >> you
    >> >> need to use constructs such as hydra:Link and hydra:Resource
    to make
    >> >> the
    >> >> distinction explicit.
    >> >>
    >> >> Hope this helps. If not, let me know.
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> --
    >> >> Markus Lanthaler
    >> >> @markuslanthaler
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >



Kingsley Idehen 
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