On 03/31/2014 01:59 PM, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
In actuality, defining things like owl:sameAs is indeed extending RDF.  
Defining things in terms of OWL connectives also goes beyond RDF. This is 
different from introducing domain predicates like foaf:friends.   (Yes, it is 
sometimes a bit hard to figure out which side of the line one is on.)
Thanks for clarifying, and this is indeed where we disagree.
For me, such a line does not exist, nor was it ever defined.
And even if there were, I don't see the need to draw it.

RDF is the framework, the interpretation is semantics.
All predicates have meaning associated with them,
none has “more” meaning than the other;
maybe some usually allow to infer more triples,
but that doesn't change the framework at all.



What then is RDF for you? For example, do you consider N3 to be RDF? Can the predicates be modal operators? Can predicates have non-local effects? What does using owl:differentFrom in RDF commit you to?

To me, what RDF does not do is just as important and what it does do. This means that RDF captures only the RDF bit of the meaning of predicates - the rest of their meaning remains inaccessible from RDF. Any attempt to go beyond this is ... going beyond RDF and it is very important do realize this.


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