On Apr 13, 2014, at 6:10 AM, Luca Matteis <lmatt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 3:07 AM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> <pfpschnei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> RDF  includes a meaning for triples.
> I think this is your biggest misconception. RDF does not include any
> meaning of anything.

Well, that might be a tad strong. RDF does have *some* semantics, Peter, you 
may recall :-)

> It's a framework that is entirely unbiased about
> what you define.

True, as long as you conform to the basic (and rather simple) RDF semantic 
rules. But those do impose *some* constraints. For example, the meaning of a 
triple can't depend on the particular syntax of the IRIs in the triple, only on 
what those IRIs are understood to refer to. 

> The meaning of statements is only inferred by the
> tools that interpret the RDF.

Or by other standards or conventions which extend RDF in ways that are 
identified by particular vocabularies, such as OWL/RDF or RDFS or SKOS, etc.., 
and to which the tools can be said to conform. Another way of saying the same 
thing, but with more of an emphasis on the ways that com,munities might agree 
on meanings of a vocabulary. All of these are semantic extensions of RDF, a 
notion defined in the RDF spec documents themselves. For myself, I am content 
to think of all these extensions as part of one big happy RDF family :-)



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