Hi All,

Apologies for the cross-posting (I come in peace, with free stuff)

Some time ago Simon suggested that there might be some measures which should be 
taken with regard to historical time frames and the Julian Calendar. IIRC, this 
is something Chris asked me, some time ago, to do as well.

The general problem is: once you have overshot the target by you don't know how 
much, how much do you back up ?  The computation is not Quantum Mechanics or 
GPS, it is Linear Algebra (on intervals) and the "shape" of the frequency bin 
(box or circle in 2D, no other choices).

This problem comes up with Calendars frequently since there is no way to 
un-Integrate fractional time.

I wrote a DB of Calendar Quarters for the Julian Century (1950 - 2050).  Anyone 
is welcome to it.  There are XML and SQL versions. Other formats are a 


The same algebra (matrix decomposition by fours) also applies to Unicodes and 
Acronyms for Government work where the <rdfs:label /> of the elements in a Code 
Page does not change from quarter to quarter, year to year, century to century 
etc., but also for the money handling (accounting) aspects of Government. In 
the US, Revenue Collection is in "Spring" and the Fiscal Year starts in "Fall" 
- I use the quotes not because this is an American system but rather because 
Downunder, the Equinox labels mean different things.

It is sort of a strange idea:  Unicodes and Acronyms have no "right to be 


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