deWaard, Anita (ELS) wrote:
A quick question that I was hoping this forum might have some thoughts on: we are looking for a new editing tool for our life science thesaurus EMTREE (proprietary, multi-facted polyhierarchical, 260 k terms (50 k preferred, 210 k+ synonyms), > 10,000 nodes) and I am trying to convince the thesaurus department to go to an RDF-based editor. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on a- the best professional-grade ontology editor to use (serious alternatives to Protege?), and b- the best arguments to convince my company to start using RDF, both internally and externally.

I would like to address b) i.e. the WHY question.

There are several benefits to a semantic web approach:

1) Interoperability and reuse: The use of RDF should increase interoperability and reuse within your company. Once your data/knowledge is in RDF/OWL, a steadily growing number of tools are available to query, manipulate, browse, and visualize it. In the 'internal use' scenario, the use of standards that bring "interoperability" can result in a common vocabulary for implementers, architects, and domain experts within the company - this is already quite something!

2) Knowledge capture: semantic web tools are self-documenting in the sense that you are able to 'look up' the semantics of both data and queries. Semantic web can expose precisely the sort of semantics that are often 'locked up' in the code of a programming language. For example, some queries can be coded in a programming language for speed but readability is dramatically reduced relative to SPARQL.

[Note that 1) and 2) can make personnel changes less traumatic - exposed semantics simplifies reengineering and reuse.]

3) Reasoning: Reasoners can leverage the inherent semantics in a query, for example, by 'expanding' and 'contracting' queries for you, making use of background knowledge that is often too difficult to include in the query itself.

4) Dissemination = robustness?: If your thesaurus is made public in an RDF format, it will be used and referred to more frequently than if it remains proprietary. Suggestions for improvements can then come from outside as well as inside the company (as long as your company provides a way to channel such information).

5) Clarification from formalization: I believe that the process of formalization used to build an ontology can clarify murky issues and improve the semantic models themselves. In the case of the life sciences, the semantic models are often implicit in the text of a document, or worse, in a researcher's brain. If semantic models can be dislosed by choosing/defining the terms to describe a scientific experiment, for example, it can potentially *expose* the often implicit assumptions that are necessary for the experiment to succeed.


p.s. The term 'semantic web' seems to mean different things to different people. It reminds me of people using 'AI' to refer to (all or some of): rule-based systems, logic, knowledge representation, machine learning, theorem provers, game players, scheduling algorithms, natural language processing, machine intelligence, machine consciousness (!?), etc.

M. Scott Marshall

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