[Apologies if you get this multiple times...]

        You are invited to submit posters to the 2006 Life Sciences
Society Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB2006). The
conference's goal is to facilitate exchange of ideas and
collaborations between computer scientists and biologists by
presenting cutting-edge computational biology research findings.
Poster presentations describing original research in the development
or application of advanced computational methods for biological
problems are welcome. Topics of interest include (but are not limited

. Comparative Genomics
. Phylogeny and Evolution
. Proteomics    
. Sequence Comparison
. Gene Expression       
. Genomic Annotation    
. Genotyping and SNPs
. Data Integration      
. Data Mining
. Data Visualization
. Predictive Methods    
. Molecular Simulation
. Structural Biology
. Systems Biology
. Text Mining and Ontologies
. Pattern Recognition
. Graphs and Algorithms

         Space is limited to 100 posters, and we expect to receive
more abstracts than we can accept. The deadline for submission is May
10, 2006. Presenters of accepted posters will be notified by May 15,
2006. At least one of the poster authors must be present at the
conference. The size of the poster space is: 36" high x 48" wide (91 x
122 cm). Posters will be affixed to the poster board using pushpins.
No electrical support or internet connections are available in the
poster session area. Accepted posters will be published in the
Conference Poster Abstracts and Workshops volume. Abstract authors are
entitled to two pages free of charge, and up to four additional pages
may be purchased. The Best Poster will be selected by the Poster
Committee and announced at the awards ceremony. Authors of Posters on
software tools are encouraged to participate in demonstration sessions
during the conference. Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details.

Guidelines for Abstracts:
Abstracts are limited to 250 words or less. Each abstract should have
a short, specific title. The body should concisely state the study's
objective, if not clear from the title, its methods, results, and
conclusions. It is not satisfactory to say, "the results will be
discussed." Abbreviations should be spelled out in full at first
mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses, except for
common terms such as DNA. Authors are strongly encouraged to adhere to
these guidelines, as they will be used in evaluating the abstracts.
Additional information will be posted at
http://www.LifeSciencesSociety.org as it becomes available.

Important Dates:
.       Submission deadline: May 10, 2006 *** EXTENDED ***
.       Poster acceptance decision: May 15, 2006
.       Final revised draft due to publisher: May 31, 2006

Send e-mail enquiries to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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