
Your suggestion makes a lot of sense, so let's begin by placing drafts on the wiki, and migrating them as they become mature.

I do have write permission for sw/hcls, but cannot set the files in most directories for public access-- we'll have to coordinate.


On Aug 17, 2006, at 3:21 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:

Any of those addresses could work, the real question is whether these
are initial drafts, final, cast-in-concrete files, or somewhere in

If they are really drafts, to be changed often and by a lot of people,
then the wiki might be a good idea.

More stable files should probably go on the W3C space. This gives them a
more protected situation (in theory, the wiki files can be spammed by
anybody...). They would also have a nicer URI, the wiki attachement
URI-s can be pretty ugly:-). Whether it is sw/hcls or date space, it
does not really matter; I have a slight preference for sw/hcls in this
case. Eric, do you have a write permission for that directory? If not,
the files will have to be uploaded physically by me.


Eric Neumann wrote:

We could probably put it in a location such
as http://www.w3.org/2006/08/, but I will have to ask Ivan first.  It
could also be placed within the HCLS site: http://www.w3.org/2001/ sw/hcls/

Are you considering mainly a collection of test cases or drafts of
to-be-proposed best practice files? That might help determine where they
should go-- the WIKI pages can support such files being uploaded as
attachments that are then linked form the wiki page...

... Ivan, what would you recommend?


On Aug 16, 2006, Helen Chen wrote:

Hi, Eric and Tonya

Is there a place at w3c for the HCLS group where we can place ontology and rules files (*.owl *.rdf *.n3) generated from our group discussion
and test cases?   Similar to this kind of links:


Kind regards.



Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
URL: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/
PGP Key: http://www.cwi.nl/%7Eivan/AboutMe/pgpkey.html
FOAF: http://www.ivan-herman.net/foaf.rdf#Me

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