Hi, Chimezie

Although it is questionable whether HL7 RIM can be converted to a "good" healthcare domain ontology, in this discussion of a "person" description (ontology), I agree with Dirk on looking at RIM's description of Person and its attributes for healthcare domain.  You will find some overlapping with vCard-rdf, and additional attributes which are meaningful in healthcare, such as raceCode, ethnicGroupCode, maritalStatus, etc.

For "person" in healthcare domain, we can also look at openEHR's archtype "person"  [1].  But I think HL7's description of "person" has fully content.

[1] openEHR Archtype "person" http://svn.openehr.org/knowledge/archetypes/dev/adl/openehr/demographic/openehr-demographic-person.person.draft.html


Chimezie Ogbuji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

09/13/2006 10:03 AM

systemsbiology <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
Re: A question on the vocabulary for 'persons'

There are ontological inconsistencies [1] with HL7 RIM that warrant a
closer look.  Though, admittedly, the criticism is more about HL7's
Actions than its Roles.

[1] http://ontology.buffalo.edu/HL7/doublestandards.pdf

Chimezie Ogbuji
Lead Systems Analyst
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
9500 Euclid Avenue/ W26
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
Office: (216)444-8593

On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am just popping into this thread. Why don't we look at RIM (HL7
> Reference Information Model)?
> They distinguish 'entities' (a person is an entity) and roles: 'patient',
> 'doctor', etc are examples of roles. That gives you an easy way of using a
> standard description of a person, common to other communities, reusing
> what exists, and still you can add properties to the rol 'patient' to have
> whatever you need, specific in Health Care and Life Sciences.
> you can download the RIM model at
> http://www.hl7.org/library/data-model/RIM/modelpage_mem.htm
> ______________________________________
> Dr. Dirk Colaert MD
> Advanced Clinical Application Research Manager
> Agfa Healthcare               mobile: +32 497 470 871
> Alan Ruttenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 13/09/2006 06:47
> To
> Ivan Herman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc
> systemsbiology <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
> Subject
> Re: A question on the vocabulary for 'persons'
> I had been using FOAF as a basis and then adding relations as needed.
> -Alan
> On Sep 12, 2006, at 10:52 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> we would need some feedback...
>> There were some brainstorming on what vocabularies to use for the
>> simple
>> notion of 'Person' in various settings. There is old W3C note for
>> an RDF
>> version of vCard[1], but another version was created by Norm Walsh a
>> while ago[2]. And, of course, there is FOAF.
>> The issue came up because some people would like us to update the old
>> [1] note but, if we want to do that seriously, it is not necessarily
>> that easy (the vCard spec itself is not soooo o.k.).
>> Hence the question as a feedback: what does the HCLS community use for
>> something like 'Person'?
>> Thanks for the feedback
>> Ivan
>> [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/vcard-rdf
>> [2] http://norman.walsh.name/2005/12/12/vcard
>> --
>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
>> URL: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/
>> PGP Key: http://www.cwi.nl/%7Eivan/AboutMe/pgpkey.html
>> FOAF: http://www.ivan-herman.net/foaf.rdf#Me

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