On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, William Bug wrote:

Ditto, Kei!!!

Of course, at the heart of this - in addition to the very important issue Chemezie introduced re: ACL at the graph node level, if that is practical - is the discussion we've been having regarding URIs - how to create them, broadcast/discover them, and guarantee their uniqueness.

The individual tracking issue Kei mentions below is one we've had to deal with on the BIRN project, where different research groups are passing a given subject (or samples from that subject) amongst themselves to perform different sorts of investigation - vital imaging with MRI or fMRI, imaging of dead tissue - the brain - at high rez either with histo-based LM techniques or for some samples EM - also gene expression analysis on matched microdissected tissue punches, ELIZA, etc.

There is also the very difficult issue of being able to stream-line the IRB paperwork across campuses which to some extent depends on being able to "publish" subject/sample level IDs.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the specific needs here, but I wonder if authoritative identification of individuals is really an argument for a ID-oriented naming convention - such as LSID.

I have a better understanding (than I did before) of what drives the need for LSID's from the ongoing discussions, but it's worth mentioning that the mechanics of InverseFunctionalProperties (which FOAF uses) can provide a means to identify individuals uniquely. If you label a role/property as being inverse functional then you are saying it can only be used on *one* individual. Explicitely:

{?P a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. ?X ?P ?O. ?Y ?P ?O} => {?X owl:sameAs ?Y}.

As long as your vocabulary has such identifying roles/properties (FOAF uses the persons email address, but it could be any centrally managed system-wide identifier - I'm certain most institutions have this) you can very easily enable identity reasoning

This is why we'd started investigating LSID over a year ago, as we need an ID franking authority at least at the subject and or biomaterial sample level. To be honest, I think we've only partly solved this problem, to the extent required to pass animals back-n-forth, and so far we've been using a propriotary authority, which will later need to be mapped to some more global authentication service, possibly LSID-based, or whatever becomes the "best practice" as recommended by the BioRDF group.


Chimezie Ogbuji
Lead Systems Analyst
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
9500 Euclid Avenue/ W26
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
Office: (216)444-8593

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