
> John Barkley has proposed the following examples of short statement:
> 1. Identify MIME Types of URIs.
> 2. Identify versions of URIs
> 3. URIs should dereference to something, even if it is only 
> documentation,e.g., rdfs:comment 4. Use LSIDs

I might missed a bit of background, but I am not sure where the "short
statement" is going to be put?  For example, a resource with a uri of xURI.
How the short statement is fetched? By derefencing xURI or ...? 

If it is by dereferencing the xURI, then I have a few questions:
1. MIME type will be known when the resource is dereferenced, why is it need
to be pre-known?
2. Does a URI has version? Or it is resource that has version? I am not sure
what does "Identify versions of URIs" mean?
4. seems to be contradicted to what the TAG's finding[1]. Is there any
compelling reasons to use LSID over httpURI?

[1]. http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/URNsAndRegistries-50.xml



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