- Mint URL's whose hostname specifies a long-lived server that will
    maintain the resource at the given URL in perpetuity.
    libraries, and universities are in good positions to do this.)
      [good as for as it goes, but user may not be in control, or may
      find quality name management to be beyond his/her grasp]

DB: Good, but of course the long-lived server could also host a pointer to
the resource, and perhaps some other metadata about it, rather than the
resource itself

MM: I agree with David here. I hate to see web standards stray from the original intent of the IP- more on survivability, or adaptability. Seems to me that agreeing to update universally is a more appropriate path that has more integrity for the broader base of users today. And it should require less stress on infrastructure. Relying on long lived servers gets into areas quite astray from this discipline, like financial auditing and survival probabilities in political context, which brings to my mind a long list of historical errors in that regard of institutions that are no longer with us.

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