On Feb 5, 2007, at 2:05 PM, Xiaoshu Wang wrote:
Another problem is that if I want to say that

http://purl.example.com/#purl owl:sameAs http://bar.com/#bar .

However, http://purl.example.com/#purl is a well maintained persistent URI. With your proposed approach, does that mean that http://purl.example.com/#purl should be "dereferenced" just as http://bar.com/#bar?

The assumption is that there may be multiple getMethods, and that each will return the same resource if you ask for it (otherwise the sameAs is a lie). Therefore a robust client will try all the getMethods for a thing and all things it is same as, and stop when the first one succeeds. If the getMethod for #bar is applied to #purl the worse thing that can happen is that it will fail and the original getMethod for #purl will eventually be tried and succeed. Smart resolvers might use heuristics to choose which methods to try first, but this won't change the outcome.


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