Yes - exactly - Vipul is correct.

Here's one other email from the weekend that goes into a little more detail regarding an experimental plan - if you will - toward actually describing what sort of balance between structured, nuanced, granular ontological seeds linked to community, shared semantic frameworks and straight-ahead RDF translation appears to provide the most value.

Again - the other important thing to remember is if we decide taking this approach is practical for the demo - the output of what we produce - including some significant portion of the BioRDF data sources relevant to the Use Cases might actually be in a form that is immediately useful to the Open Biomedical Data repository being accumulated by NCBO. This may turn out to also be relevant to the NeuroCommons repository Jonathan Rees, Alan, and others are currently producing.

BTW - I didn't want to imply the folks working directly on the assembling and describing the scientific context for the Use Cases (June, Gwen, Elizabeth, et al.) shouldn't take a look at the page cited below by Vipul. Their input will ultimately be critical on this task in vetting the veracity of the statements, should we decide to commit to this approach. I only felt it may appear a bit opaque to those not familiar with some of the formalisms involved (some of which most folks would admit are pretty opaque). This needs to also be vetted by those more deeply knowledgeable of the RDF tools & standards we are using to determine whether this can play the role in the demo that I'm proposing.

Should we decide to move in this direction, we also need to place this formal content into an RDF-compliant backend of some sort. Ideally, we'd want to use a tool that will enable us to construct these complex entities and assertions directly in some RDF-compliant backend.

Note the top of this page is rather old, but not irrelevant to the point I've been trying to make. My feeling is there may be more payback from using the OBO phenotype syntax in this context. Though this page looks complex and labor intensive, the work one needs to do constructing entities needed to build these OBO Phenotype Assertions quickly falls off, once you've assembled a lot of the basic building blocks. It took quite a bit of time to construct the pieces required to represent the phenotype assertions associated with the first Research Statement in this list. The next several Research Statement assertions came together in a matter of minutes.


On Feb 17, 2007, at 12:00 PM, William Bug wrote:

Don is getting at the same point I've been trying to make here.

The Dopamine-R1 & Dopamine-R2 scenarios he cites provide more hooks into other highly connected graphs of relevant biological data (gene networks & pathways) - which just goes to make his point at the end about the value of SemWebTech.

This was the point I was trying to make re: the use of the PATO ontology and associated OBO phenotype syntax. If we were to focus in on one of the microdomains related to the Use Case, and distill a few formal assertions from each article in the relevant literature, we could use these as concentrating semantic "seeds" - along with relevant models described using shared distilled knowledge sources of various levels of semantic expressively (terminologies --> formal ontologies expressed using a common, community formalism).

In fact, behind this was the thought of testing this systematically. In other words, if you identified 250 citations relevant to specific, focussed topic (e.g., alpha-Syn relation to second messenger enzymes, channels, and receptors associated with molecular & cellular memory mechanisms in the hippocampus - still a much too broad topic, actually), how well can one semantically correlate BioRDF data entities if one created PATO-based formal phenotype statements according combinations of the following conditions: - 1, 3, 5, or unlimited number of formal OBO phenotype statements for each article
        - 2%, 5%, 15%, 25% of that literature corpus

Doing this as a part of the demo COULD provide a VERY SPECIFIC example of how SemWebTech can help bring together the data & info sources all biomedical researchers endeavor to unite in their daily activities - the literature, distilled knowledge sources, data repositories - in their lab, amongst their immediate collaborators, within their restricted community, and across the entire community of basic & clinical biomedical investigators.


On Feb 17, 2007, at 12:00 PM, Don Doherty wrote:

I'm assuming that "LTP in the corticostriatal connections" is enough plus maybe one or two references (out of, for instance, 43 references just from
the Journal of Neuroscience)?

Currently most neuroscientists agree that there are many different
subtleties underlying LTP giving it different characteristics in different areas of the brain. The other thing is that it seems to be nearly everywhere in one form or another. So, NMDA and AMPA receptors are key to LTP and they are nearly ubiquitous. In the striatum, it is dopamine that provides the
local twist with implications in Parkinson's disease.

For instance, activation of the D1 receptor increases the production of NMDA receptor subunits (NR1, NR2A, and NR2B) in striatal neurons changing the character and amount of NMDA receptors there and, therefore, influencing LTP. In contrast, activation of D2 receptors results in Long Term Depression (LTD) but under abnormal conditions (like in Parkinson's disease) their
activation results in LTP.

On Feb 19, 2007, at 2:55 PM, Kashyap, Vipul wrote:


This is exactly the approach Bill Bug has in mind, based on which he has created
these PaTO assertions. SeedOntologyDetailed

Do take a look and send feedback to Don whether this approach looks feasible to



Vipul Kashyap, Ph.D.
Senior Medical Informatician
Clinical Informatics R&D, Partners HealthCare System
Phone: (781)416-9254
Cell: (617)943-7120

To keep up you need the right answers; to get ahead you need the right questions
---John Browning and Spencer Reiss, Wired 6.04.95

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:public-semweb- lifesci-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthias Samwald
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 1:33 PM
Subject: [public-semweb-lifesci] AD/PD use case document

Regarding the use case document Don sent to the mailing list today:

Are some of the hypotheses already available in SWAN's RDF format? It
would be great to see an example of how they would look as RDF statements.
This would make it easier for the rest of us to judge how other RDF
datasources could be connected to the SWAN hypotheses.

-- Matthias Samwald

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Bill Bug
Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer

Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
Drexel University College of Medicine
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