>>>>> "EJ" == Eric Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  EJ> Just catching up on reading papers :-)

  EJ> <http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/8/S3/S2>

  EJ> "It is also useful to know who believes something and
  EJ> why. However, there is no standard way of expressing such
  EJ> information about a statement [...]"

  EJ> Reification?

That's who, not why. The Gene Ontologies evidence codes are and
references are much closer.

Also, I am not sure of the semantics of reification. Does it mean "I
made this statement", "I believe this statement" or "I am the person
responsible for the evidence on which this statement is based". All
three are independent I think.

None of these. It just gives you a way to refer to 'this statement'. What you say ABOUT the statement is up to you, and requires an ontology of statement-making or belief or responsibility. For one suggested approach to all this (which avoids the rather clunky RDF reification mechanism) see


Pat Hayes


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