Nice idea for syntax.
Jonathan and I will be working on some sort of macro syntax for SPARQL, which would make this and a lot of other queries be a lot nicer to write. The Virtuoso folks are willing to implement a prototype. If it works out then perhaps it can be proposed for SPARQL 2. More news about it when we have something, hopefully in the next couple of months...

On May 17, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Eric Jain wrote:

Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
> prefix dc: <>
> prefix sc: <>
> select  ?s ?p ?o ?by
> from <>
> where
> { ?s ?p ?o.
>    ?statement rdf:type rdf:Statement.
>    ?statement rdf:subject ?s.
>    ?statement rdf:predicate ?p.
>    ?statement rdf:object ?o.
>    ?statement dc:creator ?by
> }

That's precisely what I'm talking about :-) Now imagine a query that's already complicated to start with, even without any reification...

If reification was directly supported, you'd expect something like this:

prefix dc: <>
prefix sc: <>
select  ?s ?p ?o ?by
from <>
where { ?s ?p ?o [ dc:creator ?by ] }

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