I think there are two dimensions:

1) Allowing annotation properties to have subproperties so, e.g. that skos:prefLabel and skos:altLabel can be subproperties of rdfs:label. Mostly this is addressed by punning in 1.1 but there are still annotation property leftovers like rdfs:label and rdfs:comment or any other property where one doesn't want to make a commitment as to whether they are datatype or object.

2) Some sort of easy tagging mechanism for labels - perhaps something along the lines of the language tags. The case is that one ontology is used by a variety of communities (proteomics, flow cytometry, enzymology) each of which has preferred labels for some of the terms, and it would be nice to have some global switch to select which view you wanted to see.

btw, couldn't easily tell from the 1.1 spec whether one can add annotations to labels (like this tag thing).


On May 29, 2007, at 12:02 AM, Bijan Parsia wrote:

On May 29, 2007, at 4:58 AM, William Bug wrote:

This is exactly the point I've been making for over a year now regarding use of SKOS in biomedical ontology development, and it is why we use SKOS:prefLabel for all classes in BIRNLex (as well as having the redundant rdfs:label for interoperability purposes). The "altLabel" provides a means not only to associate lexical variants but ultimately to create "namespace qualified" term sets or "views" of a single ontology with the terms tailored to the needs of a specific community. There would need to be an expansion of annotation support in OWL to fully implement this, but SKOS can provide a means to standard that method in the lexical domain, once the required annotation capabilities have been added to OWL.

Would you mind explaining exactly what you need from the annotation capabilities? We have been discussing a fairly clean way to beef up OWL 1.1 annotations and I'd be curious to know if it handled this (important) case.


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