
Thanks for your feedback... It's very useful

> * Review other EMR models where there is a relevant overlap

[VK] How about we focus this review on the use cases listed earlier, for e.g.,
Blood Pressure, etc.?

> * Chose a set of use cases (this was mostly obvious)

[VK] The ser of use cases are listed above... Please feel free to add more use
cases you think are relevant.

> * Extract / review (from use cases) common, major archetypes

[VK] Can you clarify what you mean by archetypes?
For instance do mean, conceptualizations? patterns? or classes?

> * Capture some best practices as a small, focused Interest Group W3C
> Note (ala SWBPD Working Group literature)

[VK] We can further brainstorm the structure of the note at some point..



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