Thanks. I guess I thought it was obvious, but nothing seems to be in this territory. I added
  7. likelihood of adoption by uncommitted HCLS members [added 8/25]
  8. ease of adoption [added 8/25]

About the URIs, I think it would be wrong to interpret their non-adoption as a sign of community resistance. I have felt it would be a conflict of interest to promote them much in advance of HCLS recommendations on the subject, so it's possible that if few others are using them it's only because they haven't been recommended.

The system was a unilateral Science Commons experiment that was needed for the Banff demo, and the intent was always to review the design before asking anyone else to adopt it. That is just what we're doing now. If it looks like those URIs will work for HCLS, then we'll say so in the recommendations note. If they need to be relocated or redesigned, that's fine too. Better to do that now than after they're widely deployed.


On Aug 25, 2007, at 8:09 AM, Eric Jain wrote:

Jonathan Rees wrote: 2007-08-27_Conference_Call/UriNoteStatus

One more criteria that may be worth adding:

7. feasability - There is no point coming up with advice that the HCLS isn't even able or willing to follow in it's own projects. (I'm thinking about the -- potentially very useful -- effort that was started with the goal of creating usable URIs for databases that don't provide any.)

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