Also, what would be great is to get a concrete real world example which illustrates the above. The example given by Kavitha, I believe has a SQL translation. Getting such examples are crucial to showing the value of the web.

Vipul, just to clarify, which example are you referring to when you say you can do it in SQL? Also, about precomputing the closure of SNOMED, if you mean that storing the results of the classification hierarchy of SNOMED can eliminate the reasoning step in query answering, we know for sure that this won't work for most of the queries we looked at. The reason is that most queries require (at the very least) that sub-parts of the query actually be classified on the fly. Let me give you a concrete example from our work. Lets take the query that is looking for patients on medications with an active ingredient of steroids. In the actual instance data you have:

Patient X onMedication Vendor-specific DrugX

The first subpart of the query is patients onMedication, and that can be answered by looking at the actual instance data. The second subpart of the query is drugs that have an active ingredient of steroids. This part does not map directly to any existing concept in SNOMED, so a precomputed classification will not help.

As an example, here are all the TBox assertions that are needed for us to find drugs with active ingredients of steroids (I am using just one drug case to illustrate): 1. We know from our mappings that Vendor-specific DrugX is a subclass of the SNOMED concept Hydrocortisone preparation. 2. We also know from SNOMED that a Hydrocortisone preparation drug which has an active ingredient of Hydrocortisone (the substance), AND it has a dose form of oral dosage. In OWL this would mean Hydrocortisone preparation is defined as equivalent to an intersection of 2 existentials (exists.ActiveIngredient (Hydrocortisone-substance) and exists.dosageForm(OralDosageForm) 3. Hydrocortisone(substance) has superclasses Oxycortiosteroid (substance) and Hyroxycorticosteroid(substance), each of these ultimately end up with a superclass of steroids.

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Kashyap, Vipul wrote:

The data complexity of EL++ suggest strongly that a sensible
reduction to SQL is unlikely (i.e., you'll need datalogesque rules as

[VK] The interesting question in my mind then is what is the additional functionality achieved by these datalogesque rules that are not present in
SQL? The reason I ask is because today the major RDBMS vendors support
transitive closure operations and I was wondering if there is any other
functionality that is missing in SQL.

Also, what would be great is to get a concrete real world example which illustrates the above. The example given by Kavitha, I believe has a SQL translation. Getting such examples are crucial to showing the value of the web.

Even logspace data complex logics can be tricky. The DL-Lite family
is the paramount example and they can have an exponential blowup in
the size of the query (since they need to intern parts of the tbox in
the query, so each conjunct might expand, and then the permutations
of the expansions must be added to the union of I
recall :))

[VK] From a pragmatic point of view, in the context of a given application, this just needs to be done once. There are well defined RDBMS approaches to
create views, materialize them, develop indexing structures to achieve

For instance, I know that a common approach to using Snomed is to precompute
the "closure" and store it in a RDBMS.

So, the real world has figured out ways of dealing with these situations and I am yet to see examples of how using semantic web technologies, will give them
the scalability and make their life easier.

So, basically, large queries with large, connectd TBoxes will be
challenging, requiring clever optimization of the rewriting. This
isn't something you'll do by hand ;)

[VK] Can I have some real world examples which illustrate this?


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